Chapter 31

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The night was young and long. Both the jerk and the brat have lost their sleep because of each other. Aurora was happy seeing him change. Zayn on the other hand was scared and happy at the same time. He was struck in a dilemma. He knows he loves her but is too scared to accept it. He was in denial. His mind tells him that she was becoming his addiction and that addiction would destroy him while his heart said that he loves her. It was a difficult phase for him and he was staining himself. He was scared of his love for Aurora. 

Pushing the negative thoughts aside, he decided to concentrate on the positive side. He knew she liked him too and couldn't stop gushing about it. His heart was swelling in happiness and joy. Aurora was also in the same state. She was happy that he liked her. Though his words never said anything, his actions proved that he loved her and she couldn't stop gushing about it. Both were in their own euphoric world. Soon, they fell into a deep slumber thinking about each other.

The morning was bright and welcoming. The pleasant sound of the birds singing their own tune was a sweet song to ears. It was their amazing way of telling that a new day has begun and new opportunities are split everywhere. Their happiness lifted the mood in the air making it an awesome and bright day. 

Everyone got ready for the day and went down to eat breakfast. They greeted each other and enjoyed their time together. Ryan seemed to go back to her usual self as he saw how happy Zayn and Aurora are. He knew he made the best decision when he thought of bailing off. His sorrow seemed to start fading away as time passed as it was rightly said that time heals.

"Where are we going today?" asked a curious Aurora, who was admired by the handsome Zayn. 

"So today we are going to Disney World," said Harry excitedly!

"What? Disney World?" asked Aurora, excitement evident in her voice making her eyes twinkle in happiness.

"See, I told ya! Aurora is a 5 year old," said Zayn and he couldn't stop sending snide remarks her way. It was his way of showing his love for her.

"Be ready in an hour guys!" Said Ryan with a smile which warmed Zayn's and Aurora's hearts. Harry was beaming seeing a happy Ryan.

"And let's go in pairs!" Added Harry.

"In pairs?" asked Ryan with slight amusement.

"Yes. Let's go with our partners, because we are here because of their hard work. Right? Asked Harry as a matter of fact.

"So you are telling me to go with Zayn?" asked Aurora with a shocked look on her face making him groan.

"Why is that a doubt? Come on, with whom are you going to go other than me? Of course you'll go with me," Zayn said, clearly offended, making her break into a chuckle. 

"I was just kidding, chill out," she said, smirking at him.

Soon, they went to Disney World. Aurora was beyond excited. She called Kate and said that she was going there and she couldn't stop gushing about it. The pairs went in separate cars as suggested by Zayn so obviously Aurora and Zayn ended up together as per their wish. Though both were excited, none decided to let their guard down.

Aurora kept on talking about Disney world as how much she loved it and how many times she's been here. Zayn being a lovestruck teenager, just chuckled and listened to whatever she said. He listened to the girl in front of him and his heart felt complete. His eyes couldn't leave her even for a mere second. Aurora being the brat, talked non-stop and surprisingly he enjoyed every bit of it.

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