(Chapter 6) The Top of the World, Looking Down

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Belize escorted the siblings through the ever-similar corridors of the old stone temple. They took so many turns Lucy couldn't tell where their guest quarter was, or what end of the pyramid they were in. But after what felt like a small pilgrimage, Belize showed them to a set of long crumbling stairs and gestured for them to continue up.

Jared thanked Belize. She bowed before turning away. Lucy felt pangs of sadness seeing her go and an eerie lingering from her earlier warning.

But that apprehension soon fell to wonder when upon entering the temple's gathering grounds Lucy's mind could take in nothing but the magnificence of the party assembled out of the ruin.

They were at the top of the flat-topped pyramid, which would seem to be a bad hosting ground during a rainstorm except a magic invisible shield composed the walls and allowed the partygoers to be inside the raging thunderstorm without danger. Above them, the transparent walls met in a four-sided triangle and were so high up that the point of the ceiling cut through dark purple storm clouds. Lucy watched as the clouds traded lightning, illuminating the night sky and ceiling of the room, a lilac color for just a moment.

The tradition of celebrations here must have gone on for as long as the temple had been built as Lucy noticed the red stone here was well-smoothed out by many passing feet, especially so in the middle where hundreds of dancing couples added their wear to the floor.

Lucy also noticed at the back stood a massive ornate stage with a small stone altar at the center. She assumed it must be where the guest of honor sat but saw no chairs around it or people.

"Well, this is really something," Jared said as his cheeks flushed from the grandeur of it all. There must have been 300 men and women attired in the likings of kings and queens as they chatted and danced. Torches lined the entire perimeter of the room, showing off endless tables of food and a small orchestra.

"It is," Lucy agreed, just as lost in the celebration fit for no one less than a king.

And one boy who thought of himself as one appeared before her.

"Merrashi," Rasmus greeted Lucy, spotting her the moment she entered.

"Hello," Lucy replied, but with a noticeable lacking of the friendly discourse he addressed her with.

"Merrashi?" Jared asked, eyebrows raised.

"It means my shining light. I could think of nothing more fitting for someone as beautiful as you." Rasmus seized Lucy's hand to kiss the back of it.

Jared's eyebrows pinched so tightly together they nearly touched. Lucy had to stop herself from jerking her hand away.

"Come." Rasmus guided Lucy away from Jared faster than she or her brother could react. "As it is my celebration, you are required to permit my request for a dance."

"But wait," Lucy said in a panic as he began pulling her into the midst of about all the dancing couples. "I don't think I can do this."

"It is fine," Rasmus dismissed her protest. "Just follow my lead." He set himself into position, grabbing Lucy's hip and left hand.

Instantly, Lucy was stepping all over herself—and her partner; without the slightest idea of what she was supposed to do with her hands or feet or anything.

"You have never danced in my country's fashion, I see," Rasmus spoke, his annoyance growing as her disgracefulness reflected poorly on him and her pointed shoes hurt more than he would have thought after the tenth time they collided with his shin.

"I've never danced before, ever." Lucy desperately tried to follow suit of the people around her which just made her move more awkward and outlandish.

"It shows." Rasmus pushed on Lucy's back to straighten her posture. "You need to loosen your hold," he said when she gripped his hand so tight she cracked bone. "And follow my lead," he ordered when Lucy got distracted by the first order and forgot to move. "But don't move your feet so much," he said after Lucy almost tripped over herself with the next step. "And don't look down, look at me." Lucy looked back up instantly, but with no confidence in her eyes. "And keep your back straight," he said through gritted teeth as her posture fell once again.

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