(Chapter 58) Where to Stab your Friends

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"Well students," Brickwood announced as he paced the elevated stage of his classroom. "This is our last class before the fall tourney and there is nothing more I can teach you in a day that can prepare you for what you're about to face. Instead I'll give you the advice I wish I heard before I participated." He met the eyes of each of his fiercely eager students. "If you only see the rules a games presents too you, you'll only ever be played by it." His last student's eyes to meet were Lucy's. Who wore the only expression of confusion amongst a crowd of the overly zealous.

"Is winning the tourney such a big deal?" Lucy asked Jasper once they headed off to lunch. "Everyone seems so excited." Even Freya brimmed with excitement but that was only for tonight's dinner special where she skipped far ahead of them to be the first one in line.

"If anyone should be excited it should be you little Lahue," Pecilia skillfully inserted herself. "Winning comes with bragging rights, but more importantly the right to look down on your peers knowing you're above them."

"You'll be regarded as exceptional." Wilham swiftly added hooking an arm around Lucy's shoulder. "Your name carved into history next to the other legends." He led Lucy down a corridor she'd never been before where a gold plaque ran for half a mile across a stretch of wall. An extensive list of all past winners was carved into it starting from the very first tourney of fall and Lucy's wide-opened eyes gleamed with the golden names she was beholding.

"Accepted and revered by all," Pecilia purred into Lucy's ear in easy seduction.

Jasper stepped in before they could promise too much to their vulnerable victim. "It's really about trying your best, and trying not to get any life-sustaining injuries," Pecilia glared at Jasper for spoiling her fun. He ignored it. "Usually only a small handful pass every year, but even getting to the third round is enough for your name to be highly regarded."

"And for those of you that don't already have an infamous last name," Wilham said pointing between Lucy and Jasper, "It could be the place to make one."

Lucy turned to Jasper. "What does he mean?"

"Besides you, I'm the only one without a royal last name." Jasper shrugged, not bothered in the least. "But my family is at least known for having very big pockets, which is how they were able to bribe my position here." Jasper looked at the names and let out a hard exhale. "All for the purpose that I become strong enough to be my hometown's curator."

"Curator." Lucy repeated, "What's that?"

"Did your brother really teach you nothing?" Pecilia scuffed. "It's the majority members of the Conclave. The ones who rule over their providence and basically control the most powerful country in the world." Pecilia rounded Jasper while eyeing him up. "I have to say I didn't think you'd have such high ambitions, Fenney."

"I've been forced to." Jasper said, getting frustrated just thinking about it. "My hometown is about to go bankrupt under our dictator, Claveman Flint."

"Oh, you're speaking about my Uncle Flint," Pecilia chimed in. "He really is the worst."

"He's evil," Jasper corrected, feeling his blood boil from the endless atrocities his self-serving policy's inflicted. "And while I'm here I'm going to build a reputation for myself. So that when I take his position no one will dare challenge it."

Pecilia's tongue slid over the top of her teeth nearly impressed by the boy's will.

"Wow," Wilham swooned with his hand over his heart. "I never thought I'd fall for a man, but you're just way too cool." Wilham jumped to hug his friend but Jasper took his pencil from behind his ear and let Wilham run into it.

"Ow!" Wilham yelled clutching his side, "A good leader never stabs his friend!"

"No, but it's the leaders that stay in power that do," Pecilia said, sadly only half-joking,

"Well, I do hope you'll be able to manage more than just some quippy words and an attitude when it comes to the tourney, Miss Row." Brickwood said, coming up behind his students as he made a shortcut to his office. "Or else you won't be able to claim your bragging rights."

He smiled and Pecilia met it with a scowl.

"You should all be taking this very seriously," Brickwood advised. "It's the first time you'll be able to show your true potential. And prove to everyone that you deserve your position at this school." He directed the comment at Lucy whose ears perked up but fell to sudden self-doubt.

Pecilia rolled her eyes. "Sure, it does," She said, strutting ahead so quickly she didn't notice the somber boy hiding around the corner.

Algernon hadn't intended to eavesdrop but paused around a bend after noticing swaying blonde hair. His guilt wouldn't allow him to be in her line of sight, but silently shadowing her in hope of hearing her voice wasn't causing any harm. Only when it was joined by his cousin's did it become painful.

Brickwood softly sighed at the girl's black hair flipping purposefully back and forth as she paraded away.

"Professor?" Lucy asked, as Wilham and Jasper headed on and they were left to themselves. "Is it really so important?"

Brickwood smiled down at Lucy. "I would say so." He walked the rest of the length of the gold plaque with her following close behind. "These names become legacies and proof that each one  deserved to be known as a student of Attwood."

Lucy bit back her excitement, not daring to hope of such a thing.

"Rarely, if ever, do the underclassmen pass but those that do are famous for it." Brickwood stopped at the 997 winners, where his own name was inscribed.

"I can see that," Lucy said smiling.

"Well, I can't take all the credit for my first win." Brickwood polished the name of one other winner under his title. "Your brother was the one who really deserved it."

Lucy read Jared's name and beamed. "He was one of the winners?"

"As a fourth year no less," Brickwood added with a smile. "And brought along his friends to victory with him."

Lucy read the only other underclassmen on that year's list, 3rd year Aloysius Bellmount and 2nd-year Yosephine Yemines.

"I didn't know he left behind such a legacy." Her finger brushed over her brother's name as she swelled with pride.

Brickwood's own smile mirrored hers. "Admirable, is it not? Something one might want to emulate."

Lucy traced over her dear brother's name again. "Yes," She hoped.

Algernon stayed silent and contemplative hidden out of sight. He wondered why it would mean so much to her, and why he cared at all about what she cared for?

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