(Chapter 18) The Prince's Promise

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Selice had been in the basement cellars of the castle that she converted into her living quarters and workshop when another servant called for her.

The prince had requested her specifically and whatever it was, didn't sit well with Selice. Especially since she hadn't even managed to look Loy in his smirking blue eyes since watching him have sex before making his declaration. Next time I'll show you what it's really like to fuck a prince, still ran about Selice's head as she tried to shake it from her thoughts. She tried to tell herself he was only teasing, that Loy still saw her as a man and that he preferred women, not men. So she had no reason to believe he was actually being serious, and Loy was never serious anyways, at least not in any way that she had yet seen.

The other servant directed her to the bathhouse and Selice froze before the door where she had to take many deep breaths before working up the courage to enter.

"Selice." The prince exclaimed with a genuine smile and naked body to greet her. He guessed there was only half a chance of her coming in the first place and seeing her show up very much excited him. Selice kept her eyes leveled with Loy's as she noticed he was completely bare. Thankfully, he sat down in the long pool of the bathhouse, shielding the lower parts of himself. Loy's grin turned lopsided when he watched Selice blush and the effects of her charm fall away, just like he hoped. "I need you to wash my body for me."

Selice shuddered. Although it wasn't unusual for a male servant to assist the prince in a bath, it was highly unusual and resoundingly uncomfortable for her as a girl pretending to be a man.

Loy remarked her entertainingly as he read the battle transpiring in Selice's thoughts on her scrunched-up face.

"Don't look so frightened, Selice. It's not as if I'm asking you to hand your virginity to me." Loy said, but in his thoughts qualified, not at this moment anyway. "Just a bath That is one of your duties?" Loy prodded, seeing her still frozen in place, and knowing she needed just the right amount of push to come to him. "Is it not?"

Selice glanced up and saw the challenge behind his blue eyes. He was teasing her as he always had, but if she looked any more reluctant, he might start to question her too.

"Fine, Loy," Selice conceded, attempting to keep her voice as flat as possible.

Loy's smile grew more sinister the closer she came and as soon as Selice stood near enough, he stood up fully, making her gasp at his naked body. She tried to step back, but he grabbed her wrist.

"It's not something you haven't seen before." Loy taunted. He reached past her to something on the floor. His blonde hair lightly wet from the water fell into his eyes as he carefully placed a bar of bergamot soap into her hands. "So no need to be so timid." Or so Loy said but actually loved the ways she kept averting her eyes from his body, and not being able to help herself, glanced back at him before blushing all the redder.

Selice nodded, failing to come up with any sort of escape plan.

Loy flashed his perfect teeth in a smile and slowly released her. "Perfect." While he was standing bare naked in front of her and telling her to bathe him, Loy wondered how much more plainly obvious he had to make it before Selice gathered that he had learned of her secret. He assumed she thought him too thick-headed to figure it out, but it was all a show of his. One that let Loy get away with a lot more than someone mature and level-headed would be able to.

Selice wet the soap in the bathwater and brought it to his shoulders. She never cleaned a man's body before let alone was this close to a naked one. Loy's eyes kept staring at her face as she was careful to only look where the soap was touching on his upper chest, and he wondered what she was going to do when she eventually ran out of safe space to clean. The thought excited him so much he had to calm himself down or else he was going scare her away with the corresponded appendage wanting to come out and play.

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