(Chapter 134) The Vessel to Destroy the World

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"Algernon Black." Yosephine seethed with nostrils flared. She would know that weapon anywhere and the most infamous person in history to wield it thus far, just like the entire world knew. Seeing movement past him, Yosephine noticed Lucy again but this time recognition overcame her face of hate.

"And you're her, aren't you?" The woman asked Lucy in a voice low with remorse as she discerned a slight familiarity with the girl's features and Jared's.

Lucy shuttered from the sudden attention but soon it became centered on Algernon once again as he whisked his scythe out before him in one mighty vertical swipe up, returning some of the energy Yosephine had thrown at Lucy earlier. His blades made the piercing sound of a whistle as it sliced through the air and was followed immediately up by the explosion of magic. Algernon's attack ripped open the stone ground a few feet in front of him up through the stage to the exact spot the woman stood.

It boomed like the bomb earlier in the only other attack that night that had matched such power and the residual force sent bystanders, tables, and chairs flying backward.

Lucy expected the woman to be destroyed just like the stone stage beneath her. But her trill voice broke through.

"You're just another innocent they want to sacrifice on their way to bring this world back to the genocide of the past," Her words rose above the cloud of dust to deeply echo about the frozen castle, though only a few understood exactly what she meant. The last reminiscent of the dust cleared to reveal the pebble remains of the ten-ton caved in stage and Yosephine stood on it without so much as a scratch on her.

"But I'll never let them." She spoke to Lucy as if she were a small child she was trying to reassure. Lucy didn't understand why she was saying such things, but her sympathetic tone terrified her more than the frenzied screaming. "You won't be his sacri-"

She was cut off as Algernon attacked again. This time his scythe split sideways through the air and sent out dark magic.

Algernon planted himself firmly on the ground as magic streamed forward from his scythe, his hair and jacket flying behind him. Lucy fell to the ground on her hands and knee, not even being able to stand beside someone using that much power, let alone understand how he could control it. And it was seeing him so up close that Lucy finally understood why Algernon was so well respected. Why around the world people knew his name, because one man in control of such power seemed like some kind of angel or demon.

Algernon turned his head to the side and Lucy could just see the outline of his strong jawline and all-black eyes centered on his stone face.

No, Lucy silently corrected herself,  he doesn't look like an angel or demon. Algernon lifted his scythe high above his head before slashing it down at the woman again. The blade cut through the air so fast it hissed before being followed up by the defining booming of dark magic obliterating everything in its path. He looks like a god.

As the dust resettled again the woman's red eyes locked onto Algernon.

"And you're going to be the vessel they use to destroy the world." Yosephine accused him, as magic dissipated around her, and the sand made from the stage began vibrating. "And you're going to start with her." Her eyes enlarged in rage as she guided the sand into hundreds of razor-sharp glass spears.

"I'll kill you before you can fulfill that twisted prophecy!" The woman yelled as the daggers ripped through the air to swarm like wasps upon Algernon.

Algernon whirled destruction magic from his scythe but could barely match the assault. But what worried him more were the many heads now turned in Lucy's direction. 

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