(Chapter 78) King of Rage

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"We can plan every sort of defense we want," Grisha exclaimed, eyeing the map carved into the table of Etilia's embassy room. "But at the end of the day, where the artifacts fall is all that matters."

"Have you seen how powerful Loy is with his known?" Hershel rebuffed. "I would put him against two of Emora's over privilege fledglings."

"And what of Emora's third user?" Rounan interjected. "What if our prince had to face off against him?"

Devane only gave the slightest attention to the squabbling until the mention of Loy. There wasn't even the faintest report of him appearing anywhere in the world, and the advisor worried for his safety, as he always did.

Even with his mind split in all directions, Devane managed to roam over endless reports of other countries' activities, until his interest was completely captivated by one sealed letter addressed to him in beautifully written script. He opened it right away to see the perfectly written words in the unique format of Jared's script. He could almost hear the sarcasm in his closing address.

I look forward to nothing more than our next late-night interrogation.

Devane grinned down at the letter, before looking up, which was as small as a gesture needed to cease the fighting.

"Your hypothetical bickering does nothing but test my patience," Devane said, his eyes cutting into the men.

"It's not bickering," Hershel objected, "We're facing possible the greatest threat our country has seen in a thousand years with the artifacts spread to the hands of men feigning for war, and the only thing more dangerous than that is having them compile into the control of one."

Devane's gaze landed on the map of the East world laid out before them. Small wood carvings representing the artifacts were stationed on top of their country of capture and he grabbed hold of the ball and chain over Etilia.

"Nevertheless, Emora remains with the majority," Devane maintained, spotting the three miniaturized weapons.

"As of the latest news." Layal, another council members, alleged. "There can so easily be a change of hands or loyalty when it comes to the artifacts. Especially those countries that are prime targets for plunder."

Devane looked at the map where a sculpted javelin was set on Lorencia, and a coiled whip onto Merra. "I suppose other countries might group Etilia in the same category, but they would be sorely wrong to take Loy for an easy target," Devane swore, reactively protective. "But before they can make such a dire mistake, I'd like to show them there is no need to pick a side with Estera or Emora," Devane said, gathering the other two artifacts in hand.

"You want to form a peaceful coalition of the three?" Hershel inquired, "You think Merra and Lorencia would agree to just stand aside while world war wages?"

"Neither one is more likely an enemy to Estera or Emora, as they are an ally to us," Rounan injected before Devane could answer. "They serve themselves, and will give their support to whoever is most likely to benefit them."

"As does Etilia," Devane asserted, silencing the man with a glare from the corner of his eye. "And our greatest benefit is to stay out of this war." The other advisors fell quiet as they awaited Devane's deft explanation. "Hearing we have declared a side would mean we become the first targets of Emora or Estera as the other comes to claim Loy's artifact. And either could ruin our country in a matter of weeks. Half our industry comes from our trades with the West coast, which is directly under the control of Emora, and the other half of our country relies on imports from the North that are all being directly channeled through Estera. Even if we manage to survive a ruined economy, we won't be able to defend if Emora attacks by sea. Their seasoned and extensive armada would reach us long before Estera could send us any reinforcements. And if we side with Emora, Estera reaches us by land to wipe our cities clean before word ever reaches any potential allies. If they would even offer any support at all." Devane had been reviewing the potential outcomes for months now, as the incidences of reported war preparations in each country soared. "Which means any side we take is the losing side."

The other men stared at the map, as always amazed by how the advisor could see a hundred steps ahead.

"But if we were forced to choose," Grisha asked. "Where would you put us?"

Devane hesitated before putting the ball and chain onto Etilia, back to where Loy's home was meant to be, but he didn't let it go. Like in chess, he debated all the possibilities of his move and dragged it across the map to stand beside the artifacts of Emora. He let go of it as reluctantly as if it was a chess move that would sacrifice his queen.

"You think Emora would win this war?" Hershel pressed. "Even if the remaining two artifacts were to side with Estera?"

"I do." Devane preserved. He didn't like the thought of allying with Emora anymore than the rest of the world did, but it was the safest option.

"There is no guarantee they wouldn't kill Loy to take his artifact for themselves," Rounan countered. "That is how they ended up with so many in the past."

"And they lost two of their weapons the same way," Devane rebuffed, having tracked the information for years in his faultless memory. "And twenty years later the two mysteriously reappeared in the budding country of Estera." The advisor's eyes narrowed on the four artifacts. "Still they aren't a country to side against." Devane added, having also followed years of Emora's successful military and economic conquests. "Not unless we absolutely have to."

"But what if the missing artifact comes into play?" Javaus chimed in. Devane looked at the youngest member who seemed much older and exhausted of the late, as the pressure of being the overseer of the orphanages weighed on him.  "Wouldn't that change everything?"

"It hasn't been seen in decades," Rounan negated. "The last place it was said to be was in the mountain city of Yorie before it sank into the ocean."

"So the final artifact is at the bottom of the North sea?" Javaus supposed.

"I doubt it," Devane said. "More likely the island was sunk to make the artifact appear missing, to the benefit of whoever is keeping it hidden still."

"But so long as it remains safely out of play there is nothing to fear." Devane added, assured by Jared's letter, that the rumors of the missing artifact found in Salaris were just rumors. "But there are two countries in control of known artifacts whose loyalties are still undeclared." Devane reminded them. "Which is why I will be leaving for Lorencia within the month," He announced, now that he finally had the timeline worked out for Jared's return.

The embassy all looked rather reluctant at Devane's declaration.

"The king isn't going to like you being away for so long," Grisha said. "And we don't like you being away for so long. If something were to happen there wouldn't be much in terms of leadership here."

"I will carry a transportation stone with me in case I need to return urgently," Devane said. "But I'd appreciate it if you could manage to not burn the entire country down in my absence."

"Of course, your majesty," Hershel replied jokingly, that was really not a joke at all. The other council members snickered as well, and Devane's half-smile fell instantly as his eyes landed on their entering king.

No one said a word as King Orren glowered at the most respected man in his country, which was not himself. The joke was often said, but never in the monarch's presence for the reason they were all seeing now as his old kingly face twisted into absolute wrath directed at his advisor. No one took even a single breath of the tension-filled air, not even Devane who knew all too well that if anything were to burn this country down while he was gone, it would be that rage filling their king.

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