(Chapter 87) Allow Me to Try

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"Merra?" Selice asked, looking at the vast outline of the golden city. It had taken two weeks of travel to get here from the town Loy destroyed, and he had yet to say why.

"Correct," Loy said seeing the shining skyline of the nation's capital. "There is an old acquaintance of mine I'd like to see."

Selice looked at the castle that rested in the center of the city. It could be seen from miles away, with how tall and narrow the main part was built up.

"This was definitely designed by a man," Selice reflected.

Loy nodded in agreement.

"That's not manly," Cal chided, leaving Beal as the only one wondering why they thought so.

It didn't take long before they reached the narrow castle doors and an attendant stood before them.

"We're here fo-" The servant took one look at the youngsters and cut Loy off, escorting the group up long flights of stairs until they reached the far most utilized room of the kingdom.

The doors opened and Loy's eyebrows shot up, Selice's mouth dropped, and Cal and Beal looked like they had steam coming off the top of their heads. The sound of instruments mixed in with exaggerated moans and the unmistakable sound of skin hitting skin. A full orgy bloomed before their eyes with absolutely no expense spared. Naked men and women used as serving dishes had food covering only their most intimate parts, but that was quickly being eaten away. 

"Were they expecting you, Loy?" Selice asked, wondering if this had been set up to his perverted taste.

"I swear they weren't," Loy promised, looking at the mass of naked bodies in sheer astonishment.

"Loy?" A voice broke from across the room, and the group turned their attention to the raised octagon stage where an oversized velvet red couch hosted beautiful semi-dressed men and women. The man who had called Loy's name uncurled himself from a woman and man's side. He jumped down the stage and strutted over to the group stark naked, and with no qualms about it. "By the gods it is you!" The man exclaimed, coming up and wrapping an arm around Loy.

Loy looked straight ahead to avoid seeing anything unnecessary, and Selice stared down with blatant shock.

Cal and Beal were still frozen and seemingly not breathing with how red their faces were turning.

"And it is most definitely you Trist," Loy noted as the corner of his eyesight caught the thin appendage swinging below his acquaintance's hips.

"In all his glory." The King of Merra boosted, outstretching his hands wide.

Beal tried not to look at the man, but lost focus for one second and looked down. His entire face blushed and he shot his gaze to the vaulted ceilings.

"But what brings you here?" Trist asked, grabbing a bottle of champagne from a naked servant and handing it to Loy. "Are you here to try your stamina again at the house of whores?"

Loy felt Selice's disappointment without needing to turn around to see it flatten her face. "No." He rejected and wanted to say he hadn't visited since he was a teenager but Loy wasn't sure that would make him any less a deviant in her eyes. "I came to visit the new king of Merra, and offer my condolences on your father's death." Loy said, and peering around the room added, "I'm glad to see you're coping with your loss well."

A servant brought Trist a shawl and the king tied the wraps around his hips but the gauze barely covered anything. "I've lost nothing but an old angry bag of bones, who hated nothing more than a good time." Trist dismissed, grabbing an apple off one of the naked men passing by. "But where are my manners!" Trist said, looking around himself. "Can I offer you, anything? Anyone?" He searched for an attendant of the prince's taste. "Like your usual short-haired girl with an attitude?"

Selice's disgust almost came up through vomit, and Loy awkwardly laughed.

"Actually I've come well equipped to handle those matters on my own," Loy said and Trist looked at Selice for the first time.

"Oh, I see." The king remarked, rating Selice in his mind. She seemed pretty at the base but had no womanly charm to how she presented herself. Her cat-like eyes were quite enthralling, however, as they avoided looking at him. "Well, could I maybe offer her some whores?" Trist smiled pleasantly at Selice.

"No thank you." Selice straight away rejected. "I'm already dealing with one and it's already too much to handle."

Loy lightly frowned down at Selice though it took Trist a second to get the joke and to start joyously laughing.

"Oh, she is quite funny!" The young king said. "A whore and a jester saves so much money."

The comment didn't faze Selice but Loy was starting to get annoyed.

"Well if I can't offer you an orgy, how about a different form of entertainment?" Trist asked, ogling the necklace around the prince's neck. "One more suited to your talents."

"I'm suited for anything," Loy said, grinning at some passing girls. "But keeping me entertained is another thing."

Trist smiled at his long-time old acquaintance.

"Allow me to try." The young king offered, raising his hand to one of the few dressed men in the room. "I think you'll find yourself pleasantly surprised."

"If it's anything like the other surprises you've had for me," Loy said, looking at a pair of naked twins sizing him up, with who he once shared a very confusing night with, "I'm sure I'll never forget it."

Trist smiled again as he barked out orders to his servants. Selice heard only a little of what they were preparing as a platter of food crashed down behind her. Beal knocked Cal into it when a naked woman got too close to him. Cal landed on top of someone and his hand accidentally touched the tops of a woman's breast. He screamed out an apology and got on his knees as she tried to reassure him it was fine.

Beal turned around to leave the room but rammed his head into the door frame causing him a bloody nose.

"These ones are just jesters, not whores, correct?" Trist asked Loy, pointing between the pair of idiots.

"They aren't smart enough to be either," Loy said, grabbing Beal by the collar and throwing him out of the room.

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