(Chapter 25) Second Chance at First Impressions

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"Lucy," Freya called, coming into her room a couple of hours after the entrance. "I brought you some cookies."

"Thank you, Freya," Lucy said, taking one, although she had no appetite after taking in all the dirty looks from the ceremony.

"There's the star of the show," Pecilia sang, welcoming herself into Lucy's room, right after Freya. "Talk of the town." She added, grabbing for a cookie off Freya's plate.

"Stop teasing," Freya ordered Pecilia, slapping her hands away from the treats but not before she got a hold of one.

"Fine," Pecilia said, nibbling at just the edges. "Anyways I came here to help our little Lahue redeem herself."

Lucy jumped to her feet. "What do you mean?"

Pecilia smiled to see her leap at the bait. "Well the unofficial welcoming ceremony is starting soon and I have the means to get there." Pecilia held out her hands to three transportation stones before Lucy's hopeful eyes. "It's a party hosted by the senior students of Attwood so that the newest recruits can see the true customs of our school. And it may be especially helpful if one might like to cast a new brand for themself."

Freya looked at Lucy where it was clear as water that she was beaming to go.

"Fine. Let's go." Freya said for them both as Lucy lit up with excitement.

Pecilia dropped the slightly eaten cookie back onto the plate. "Excellent. Oh and you might want to dress more fitting for the occasion." Pecilia looked Lucy's outfit over with her eyebrow lifted in untamed disdain. "Why don't you show her how, Freya?"

"Is it formal attire?" Lucy asked after Pecilia had left.

"No," Freya sighed, resting her hands on her chin. "Nothing at all like that."


Lucy didn't have clothes anywhere near the style Pecilia and Freya wore. They were in tight corsets with small skirts and stockings, dressed in the type of fashion Lucy saw in only the dark districts where the girls advertise their body services on street corners. Jared never let her stay in those areas long but she recognized the deep colors and how they perfectly accentuated their bodies. Pecilia had long legs and broad shoulders, like a model made for the long gown dresses in Aloysius's shop. Freya was short, perhaps not even five feet tall, but still had all the desirable curves of a woman that were shown off even more by the extra fabric tied to her hips. Both girls were dressed extraordinarily well but it was only made perfect by their confidence which came through clearly in their posture and grace.

Lucy herself opted for a mid-length dress that clung to her waist and was low cut in front. It just happened to be the underlayer to a much fancier dress and was what she felt the most comfortable in wearing.

Pecilia looked Lucy's outfit over before handing her a mask.

"I was right to choose white for you."

Lucy accepted the beautifully crafted masquerade mask, scanning over the trails of glitter and fake stones all in various hues of white.

"Do we need to wear these?"

"Trust me, you'll appreciate the anonymity once we get there," Pecilia said, lifting her own beautiful ornate black and purple one to her face.

"Put in on Lucy," Freya said, lifting the royal blue and gold one to her's. "Trust me."

Pecilia eyed Freya's outfit up and down. "You look like a child in those frills."

"I like them," Freya said, looking down at her tight corset with pink and gold feathers sowed into the front.

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