(Chapter 14) The Conclave

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Aloysius gathered a plethora of clothes and unclaimed accessories that were out of season or left by clients for Lucy. He had no hope of selling them, anyways, and seeing Lucy's eyes light up with appreciation was reward enough. Jared tried to insist on paying, but Aloysuis said that this was the smallest repayment of a great debt owed to his friend.

Jared thanked him still but didn't think Aloysuis owed him anything.

On top of the dresses, he also gave Lucy sturdy pants and plain linen shirts like the ones she usually wore on her adventures with Jared and a combination of long skirts and blouses. They were mismatched sets but Lucy adored them wholeheartedly. He also threw in a variety of corsets, a pair of comfortable practical flats, and a set of heels so beautiful Lucy kept turning them over to make sure they were real.

Lucy never had so many possessions in her life, and suddenly she had a wardrobe consisting of the most stunning things she'd ever beheld. Aloysius still apologized saying what he was providing her with was on the plain unfashionable side of what the other students would be wearing which did nothing to lessen Lucy's love for the items but did make her question what level of wealth and privilege she'd be entering at this school.

Aloysius packed the immediate necessities in an old luggage set he had laying around and told Jared not to bother bringing it back when he offered too. The rest he would send to Lucy after he finished the alterations.

Jared still left something as payment, but it didn't even cover the material of one dress, not that Aloysius really wanted it anyways. He did all Lucy's alterations for free, and since all of the outfits were left by clients that never picked up or paid him for them he said there was no loss on his part.

It made Lucy have an extremely odd assortment of clothing, but she thanked him all the same.

"Now Lucy, if you ever need more help don't be afraid to reach out," Aloysius said, seeing them off at the door. "I know there are a lot of events constantly being held so if you need another dress write to my shop and we'll send one over."

"Thank you," Lucy said as she hugged the seamstress.

Aloysius stiffened at the sudden affection. It was uncommon for anyone in Acastor to be so plainly appreciative or offer up kindness that didn't have an ulterior motive that he had forgotten what it was like. He hugged her back, and in his mind thanked her for reminding him how good it felt to do something for another's sake.

Jared said goodbye to his friend with a bag of his own leftover clothes. He wore out the door a long brown coat that was of high quality but very old. It reminded Jared of something he had seen before but couldn't place his finger on exactly what. Aloysius said he wasn't sure how it ended up in his shop but it was going to be thrown away if he didn't take it. On his way out, Jared reached into the pocket and found a small chisel used for woodworking. The man must have been a carpenter, which Jared thought strange for a carpenter to get anything custom tailored. He examined the handle's top where a worn-out sigil had been pressed into the metal. He couldn't make out the shape, but it looked something like a bird, probably the maker's mark that had been weathered through years of hard work.

The siblings meandered from the shop into the central city, taking the quickest route to the carriage set to take them to Attwood, but they had to pass the Conclave of the last good king's council, purposefully located in the center of the town. As always there was a crowd surrounding the historical building housing the government body of Emora. The emblem of the four-pointed star of the gods, which was the modest size of a small boat, was perched on top of the building to be admired from anywhere in the city.

Jared looked upon the crowd wondering what little here understood the truth to it. In their rightful duties, the Conclave members were to protect the country by following the ideology and set fourth procedures of the last good king. But that rarely happened, instead, it was used as a tool by the rich and powerful to keep only themselves rich and powerful.

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