Chapter 1// Is.. He Drunk Again?!

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"WAHHHH!" Zhongli screamed to the top of his lungs

"Ugh... Will you quiet down Zhongli? Were out a public tavern for crying out loud!" Venti shouted back

"Bu- but these monsters especially all these slimes... FIGHTING ITS SO EXHAUSTING! Especially those dumb slimes... and hey your shouting to!" Zhongli said in a pouting type manner

"Stop complaining! I'm pretty sure that's the alcohol talking because it's quite obvious that your drunk." Venti said in a blunt tone

"You know what- I'm calling Childe to come get you because clearly you've had to much fun tonight." 

"No~ Venti please not him!" Zhongli whined leaning on Venti's shoulder

"Yes him!" said Venti pushing Zhongli off his shoulder

                                                -About 10 Minutes Later-

"Venti! Where's Zhongli-sensei?" Childe said in an annoyed type voice

"Ah- Over here Childe!" Venti replied waving the unconscious Zhongli's hand at Childe

"So sensei's drunk again I see?" Childe said while laughing  

"Yeah, it's kind of getting out of hand... but never mind that, I called you because I wanted you to take him home again." Venti said with a low tone

"Yeah I kind of figured." Childe said while putting Zhongli on his back

"See ya next time Venti!" 

*Venti nods*

Then Childe walks away, as he's taking Zhongli to his house (Childe's house) he could feel Zhongli's soft lips press against his nape.

"Ugh! Is it the full moon, because I'm having a lot more dirty thoughts about Zhongli-sensei!" says Childe while blushing 

"Mhm... Is that you Childe?" Zhongli said while embracing Childe tighter 

"Ye-yeah it's me the one and only!" said Childe while thinking to himself that today was just not his day

                                                       -Once they get home-

After they get to Childe's house Childe takes a shower and then takes some of Zhongli's clothes off because he seemed hot. Just as Childe was about to leave the room Zhongli grabbed Childe's sweaty palms pleading with him not to leave.

"Don't go!" screamed Zhongli as he pulled Childe into the small bed hugging him tightly and pressing his leg in between Childe's legs, while also rubbing in a circular motion

"Zhongli... Zhongli-sensei I can't hold back anymore!" Childe shouted and flipped Zhongli over to were he was facing him and his legs were open and around Childe's torso

This must have been a wake up call for Zhongli because suddenly he was  sobered up!

"Childe- what are you doing?!" Zhongli said in a worried voice while trying to push Childe's body off of him

Childe pins Zhongli's wrist on the bed and says "I'm sorry Zhongli-sensei but I'm going to kiss you now... if you don't like it continue to resist."

"Wha-" before Zhongli could finish his sentence Childe kissed him passionately while grinding Zhongli. Then Childe releases his firm grip and lets go of Zhongli's wrist 

"How was that? Want me to keep going?" Childe said smirking

Zhongli took a moment to analyze the position he was in seeing how hard Childe was already. Zhongli closed his eyes and nodded. A long time has passed now and Childe continues kissing Zhongli while moving further down

"Ug- Ah" Zhongli's deep moans echoed the quite room

"Ah I just love that sound, but it seems you will happily receive... lets see if you can give as well" Childe said with a devilish look on his face

"Wh-at do- you ah... mean" Zhongli said with a confused look.

"Ill show you." Childe replied with the same devilish grinning smirk 

Childe took off his pants and revealed how monstrous he was in size. Zhongli gulped, as Childe told him to suck it. Then Zhongli proceeded to suck and lick until Childe pulled his hair.

"No teeth!" Childe said in a displeased voice "Here like this" Childe said while putting his fingers in Zhongli's mouth. "You have too open more and rap your tongue around it to."

Zhongli followed Childe's instructions but Childe was still displeased. 

"Ugh! This is not going to satisfy me, we could to so much more~" Childe said while doing a face palm

"Zhongli look up and said "What do you mean more? Isn't this going all the way? 

"Gosh I swear your to cute when you act all innocent" Childe replied laughing 

"Zhongli-sensei, there are much more... how do I say... erotic things than this." Childe whispered while biting Zhongli's ear

Zhongli blushed and said "T-t-that? It wont fit its to big!" Zhongli said while trembling

"Yes, you catch on fast Zhongli-sensei. Its exactly that!" Childe uttered while swiftly taking off the rest of Zhongli's garments 

"Ill loosen you up real good so it will fit don't worry... after all the nights long Zhongli-sensei lets make every second of every minute count." Childe said with a monstrous grin

                                                                                        to be continued...

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