Chapter 6// Rings

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"Uggg" Childe groans waking up in Zhongli's house confused he wonders were e is but then looks to his side to see Zhongli. This helps him remember the events that took place the night before

He smiles and kisses Zhongli on the cheek and heads to the kitchen to and make himself and Zhongli breakfast.

"What's that smell?" Zhongli hums while waking up o the aroma. He walks into the kitchen to see Childe cooking something delicious

Childe turns around and gazed at Zhongli with a heart warming smile and says, "Ah good morning Zhongli-sensei!"

Zhongli smiles and replies with a good morning as he walks over to the red head and hugs him from behind. Zhongli snuggles into Childe's neck

"When is the good going to be ready?" Zhongli asked

In reply Childe says "In about 5 minutes, while you wait may you please prepare the table?" Zhongli nods in response as he sets the table nicely

Zhongli sits at the table waiting to be served his food

"He you go Zhongli-sensei."

"Thank you Childe." Zhongli said while kissing his partners cheek

They sit and eat quietly enjoying the silence and each other's presence when suddenly Childe asked

"So Zhongli-sensei."

"Hm?" Zhongli mutters with a mouth full of food

"I was thinking of going to the market today... would you like to accompany me?"

Zhongli swallows his food and replied with an "of course!"

As they get ready a head out to the market, as shopping for remedies and medics along with food Zhongli stops at a stand with sparkling stone rings

"Ah hello sir!" said the shopkeeper

"Hello," Zhongli replies softly while still being mesmerized by the beautiful colors of the stone rings

"Could I interest you in any rings?"

"Ah yes could I have..." Zhongli stops and tries to decide which rings to get

"Having a hard time deciding?" Asked the shopkeeper

"Y-yes their are just so many choices..." He says hesitant

The shopkeeper studies Zhongli and went to the back to grab an old shining box

"I think this will suit your taste more! Also it has been said that this is a special ring, and the lucky couple who had them in their possession will have eternal love!" The shopkeeper says happily while opening the box to show the outstandingly beautiful rings

Zhongli studies them and notices that the stones were in a swirl pattern with colors of white, gold, silver and blue and the holster holding the gemstones was a black marble color. Zhongli started and said

"This is perfect! How much will it be?"

"500,000 mora!" The shopkeeper replied while packing the rings in a velvet black holder

Zhongli opened the bag of mora Childe gave him and took out 500,000 mora and handed to the shopkeeper while the shopkeeper handed him the velvet holder

"I think your girlfriend will love this gift!" Says the shopkeeper

"I'm sure he will." Zhongli said while smiling at the velvet box

The shopkeeper looks at him surprised at the sudden gender reveal of the handsome mans partner. The shopkeeper smiles a big grin and waves goodbye to Zhongli

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