Chapter 11// I'm Hungry

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Zhongli blushes from recalling the events that took place that night.

As Zhongli tries to get out off of the floor a pair of arms rap around his torso.

"What a handsome face to wake up to in the morning." Childe says with a smile while pecking Zhongli's neck.

"Um Childe I have to make breakfast." Zhongli states panting.

"Well I'm in the middle of enjoying my breakfast." Childe says while sucking on Zhongli's neck.

He sucks the side of his collar bone and moves up to his Adam's apple trying to find his sweet spot.

"Child's I'm being- seri- ah-" Zhongli let's put a light moan when Childe found his sweet spot right below his ear.

"Found it~" Childe states in excitement. Childe bit the skin softly and licked and sucked at the spot. All Zhongli wanted was to make breakfast now he has to deal with this.

"Ah-" Is all Zhongli could say as he entangled his fingers in Childes hair. Then Childe proceeded to kiss down to Zhongli's nipples and suck on them. Zhongli was feeling great pleasure but also great hunger...

"Ugh- hm~ C-hilde I'm hungry" Zhongli could barley get out any words with the pleasure he was experiencing. Zhongli could not describe the feeling, it was different from regular foreplay.

Childe let's out a slight smile as he kisses Zhongli sweetly. A couple mutinies pass and their kiss gets heated and Childe enters Zhongli's mouth. Childe licks the top pallet of the ravenettes mouth. Then he proceeded to suck on his tongue. Zhongli was feeling a climax of enjoyment, but the experience would have been better if he was not doing it on an empty stomach.

After a couple of seconds Childe broke the kiss panting. Childe then moves down to Zhongli's belly button and pushes his tongue in.

Zhongli's back arched. He never felt a sensation from that area of his body, he felt hot and hazy. He moans in please as he releases.

Zhongli pouted "I said I was hungry."

Childe smiles and pecks Zhongli's pouting lips and says, "Fine you can eat now."

Hey guys I just wanted to make this short update!!! I'm back! Though my phone is still taken by my dad my mom felt bad for me and let me have it☺️🤞

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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