Chapter 3// Morning Surprise

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Short update! 😃👌🏼❤️

Zhongli wakes up from his hangover to a piercing pain in his lower half...

"Ow" he screeched he was think to himself on why his ass hurt so much. As he looks around he realized this wasn't his house...

"What the hell... where am I?" Zhongli questioned.

As he turned over he sees Childe's naked body at his bed side

"AHHHHH" he screams walking the sleeping beauty up

"Good morning Zhongli-sen-" before he could finish his sentence he heard soft crying

"W-What the hell happed last night." Zhongli asked

"You don't remember?" Childe questioned

As a long pause passed Zhongli tempered the events that took place last night. How him and Childe had slept together and how he was begging Childe to go deep inside of him.

"I-I'll call you later Childe I need to clear my head.." Zhongli said as he grabbed his clothes and rushed out the door

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