Chapter 10//Part (1/2) Flashback (M)

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Zhongli POV

As I wake up feeling sore from the events that took place from the night before I instantly blush at the thought of it. I cover my face feeling embarrassed about the things I did last night... as I get out of the bed, I instantly fall to the ground groaning because I had my back blown out by a certain orangette the previous night, as I'm on the floor unable to get up I decided to take a flashback to the night before.





Flashback to after the date












3rd person's perspective/POV

"C-childe w-wait we just finished eat- ah" Zhongli says stuttering through his words.

"But I've been waiting all night for this Zhongli, I can't hold back anymore..." Childe replied while biting and sucking vigorously at the elder's neck.

"B-but I- ngh haven't even showered yet- ah, let me shower please..." Zhongli pleaded.

"I can fix that." Childe replied while grinning a devilish smirk.

"W-what do you mean?" Zhongli asked confusingly.

"You'll see," Is all the younger said while carrying the elder bridal style to the bathroom




After filling the wooden tub with warm water Childe places Zhongli into it. Childe decides to take off the rest of his remaining garments, making Zhongli blush instantly. Even though he had seen the younger without clothing on before he couldn't analyze his perfectly toned body intensely at the time.

After taking off his garments Childe gets in the wooden tub with Zhongli.

"C-Childe were not five I can't just take a bath by- ngh!" Zhongli was trying to reason with Childe when his sentence was cut off by a familiar pair of hands giving him a skillful hand-job.

On the other hand, Childe was enjoying Zhongli's reactions to his naughty actions.

"W-wait" That was the only thing that Zhongli was able to say as Childe's hand kept pumping his member making him moan in response to the immense pleasure.

Childe taking a step further decided to give Zhongli rough but loving kisses and love bites all over his neck and shoulder.

Zhongli could not take it anymore "Childe... I think I'm going to ah-" while ribbons of white liquid shot up from Zhongli's member as he arched his back.

Zhongli is now panting heavily and sinks back into Childe's chest.
Moments pass until Childe asked Zhongli a question.

"I can tell by the way you're sitting you can feel my hard on pressing against your back..."

Zhongli was too embarrassed to say anything so he just fiddled with his fingers... until he was interrupted and his body was flipped over no facing Childe.

Childe decided to be bold and kiss Zhongli aggressively capturing the elder's lips, Zhongli moaned giving Childe the opportunity to insert his tongue inside Zhongli's mouth exploring every corner of it. Their kiss was getting heated... Zhongli decided to be bold and deepen their kiss by rapping his arms around Childe's neck.

Zhongli knew he could not win against Childe so he had decided to just go along with it.

Their bodies are pressing against each they're is without an inch of space between their bodies. Childe decides to break their kiss to give them room to breathe.

"Zhongli what's gotten into you?" Childe questions, he found the way he was acting was weird, he wasn't complaining but he wanted to know what got the elder so fired up.

"Shut up." Zhongli said reconnecting their lips to share yet another passionate and aggressive kiss. They were now rocking back and forth against the wooden tub and eventually it broke.

Water spilled everywhere but the pair's lips were still connected not caring about the mess they just had made.

Childe broke their kiss again but this time instead of talking he started sucking Zhongli's overly sensitive nipples.

"Ah- Childe- ngh!" Zhongli's usually deep moans were now reaching another octave.

"Let's go to the bedroom..." Childe says picking up Zhongli and carrying him to the bedroom.

They flop onto the bed...

Childe who was still teasing Zhongli's nipples went further down kissing every part of his body till he reached his ass.

"Are you ready?" He asked

Zhongli replied with just nodding.

Childe then stocked his index finger deep inside of Zhongli.

Zhongli's back arched, his eyes wide open, he felt a wave of pleasure down his spine.

The next events that were going to unfold were going to be like nothing he felt before.

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