Chapter 10//Part (2/2) Nothing like I've ever felt before (M)

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Zhongli felt his insides melt and tingle every time Childe would press his fingers deeper into him.

"Ah-" Zhongli cried as he felt his 'sweet spot' being fondled with.

"Found it~" Childe said with a monstrous grin.

Before Zhongli could react Childe removed his hands and placed something even bigger inside of Zhongli.

"C-childe wait that feels-" before Zhongli could finish his sentence Childe started to move at an alarming pace. "S-slow d-down- ah!" Zhongli felt like his insides were being shifted, he felt an enormous amount of heat and pleasure fill his body to the brim. He wanted more- no he craved more of this familiar feeling. Zhongli did not know what to do with this sudden desire of pleasure so, he did the only thing he knew he could do at the time being...






In the meantime, while Childe was thrusting deep into Zhongli he felt a sharp pair of nails grip his back and strong legs pull him in. Close enough to hear what the latter was whispering...

"F-faster please... I-" This is all Childe heard, those 2 words awoken something deep inside of Childe, something that now desired the same amount of pleasure as Zhongli.







2 hours later

"AHh~!" Zhongli screams at Childe.

Zhongli's deep moans filled the room as Childe thrusted deep within Zhongli. With each thrust the orangette made their would always be loud moans that followed.

"Right-right there!" Zhongli moaned.

Childe began to pick up his paste while locking lips with the older.

Zhongli could not take it any longer and came while Childe followed suit. They both were breathing heavy and trying to catch their breaths.

Childe then looked into Zhongli's eyes and smiled...

"I love you..." He says while hugging him.

"I love you too." Zhongli said while kissing Childe's forehead.

I'm sorry if this chapter was short and poorly written, when it comes to smut I'm better at writing foreplay...

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