Chapter 9// Explanation

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"C-childe I can explain..." Zhongli stated as he reached out to take the velvet box out of the orangette's grasp but failed as Childe pulls away

"Explain." Chile says bluntly with a cold look on his face not knowing what to make of his discovery

 "There... It- was supposed to be a surprise, for the date I planned for us to go on... but I guess now that ruined" Zhongli felt tears about to fill his eyes when he felt a familiar pair of strong arms pull him into their embrace 

"W-what are you doing? Your not mad at me?" Zhongli questions

"What? Mad? Why would I be mad Zhongli-sensei... you gesture was sweet" Childe says as he pulls Zhongli out of his embrace and wipes the tear streaming down Zhongli's face

"Since the surprise was ruined why don't I..." Childe says as he takes the rings out and places one on Zhongli's hand

Zhongli blushes at Childe's actions.

Childe places the other ring on his finger and crashes his lips onto the others

They started to kiss like their was no tomorrow. Then Zhongli felt Childe's lips brush onto his asking for entrance, Zhongli allows him to do so and lets Childes tongue explore the inside on his mouth. Zhongli then felt a pair of hands slide under his clothes, he moaned slightly then Childe pulled away and said

"I love you Zhongli-se-" He was cut off by Zhongli rapping his arms around his neck and giving him a small peck on the lips

"Just Zhongli" 

Childe gives Zhongli a cheeky grin and says

"Ok 'Just Zhongli' I love you"

With no response from the other Childe unwrapped Zhongli's arms off of him only to find a sleeping Zhongli. Childe smirks then pecks his forehead, and with that the couple drifted off to sleep in each others Night Embrace. 

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