Chapter 2// Embracing (M )

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Hello!! Sorry for the long wait, also thank you for 50 views! I hope you enjoy this chapter. ;)

"What-" before Zhongli could say another word Childe stuck his middle finger deep in him

"AH- that hurts Childe!" Zhongli screamed panting

"Ha- are you sure it's just not you enjoying it? Because you insides are twitching begging for more..."

As Childe was say that he put another finger in moving it around desperately looking for Zhongli's prostate. Childe then pressed his finger down on a spot that Zhongli reacted to in shock

"AH ubt- right ah- there Childe!"
Childe got the message and thrusted deep pressing and massaging the same place whilst being in Zhongli's hot insides

"I think... ahhhh, I think I'm going to uh- C-CUM!"

Childe then thrusted aggressively because before then he was holding back his strength a little.

"AHHH" Zhongli's roared in a deep moan and spurt out a white thick liquid from his member. Childe proceeded to take the natural lubricant and place it on his member

"Are you ready?" Childe asked Zhongli as his tip rubbed Zhongli's entrance

"Are you sure it will feel nice?" Zhongli replied blushing in embracement

"Of course Zhongli-sensei!" said Childe while grinning

"Okay we'll be gent-" before Zhongli could finish his sentence Childe trusted into him deeply not giving him any type of warning

Zhongli was feeling so good because Childe was inside of him, he thought to himself hat it felt so different from his fingers. It felt weird but also natural it hurt because Childe was monstrous in size and with every thrust I whist in pain, but behind that pain was a growing feeling tingling down my spin and the only way I can describe that feeling is extreme pleasure.

When Zhongli came to this realization he decided to let his body take control and let out all the words and the moans he pent up inside.

Childe noticed Zhongli farting off in his thoughts. This made Childe angry because the only thing he wanted Zhongli to think about was the pleasurable moment they were sharing together.

Childe grabs Zhongli's chin and pulls it so it's facing him and says "Zhongli-sensei why are you staring into space? What has got you so invented that you are not feeling the moment of me pounding you?" Childe stops thrusting with a confused look on his face

"It's just that-" gosh this is so embarrassing to say he mumbled under his breath

Childe heard this and ask him "What's so embarrassing?

"Well I.... I was just thinking that I wanted you to come deep inside of me and fill me up, I know it's weird but I can feel you inside of me deep at that matter, but I keep wanting you in deeper..." Zhongli covered his face with his arms out of embarrassment
Childe sighs and takes Zhongli's hands off so he could see his face. When Childe saw his expression and thought that he look so sexy and decided on how he was going to please Zhongli more

"I think I know a way to meet your demands Zhongli-sensei..."

"Yo-you do?!" Zhongli said looking like a omega in heat begging for sex

"Well yeah I know some positions that would work." Childe said kissing Zhongli's cheek

"Well if you don't mind, could we try them out?" Zhongli asked Childe
Without hesitation Childe took Zhongli out of his warm embrace and placed him on top of his body holding his hips

"Let's try this position and see if you life it." Childe said while putting his member inside of Zhongli's entrance. After thrusting for a while and Zhongli moving his hips he stops Childe and says

"This position kind of hurts Childe, can we try a different one?"

"Hmm okay, I think I know one that will do the trick."

Childe takes Zhongli and puts his back facing the wall and sticks his member in Zhongli's entrance one more
Zhongli was surprised at this, this position felt insanely good. Childe begins in his fist thrust and Zhongli cums on an instant.

"All it took was one thrust... in this position..." This was a real turn in for Childe

Childe begins thrusting deep in Zhongli
"AHHHH- Ugh- faster ubt faster!" Zhongli moaned loudly and seductively which made Childe tingle and he realized he had came inside of Zhongli

"Ahh that felt so good Zhongli-sensei."

Childe asked as he turned over to where Zhongli was facing him and realized he had passed out
Childe laughed and kissed Zhongli's forehead goodnight.

Sorry if this chapter was short!

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