Chapter 5// I love you

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(Got another chapter finished, also thank you for 185 views! I'm really surprised that I even got up to 10 views so thank you so very much🤗 Also shoutout to Valerie395 for voting on every single chapter it helps me stay motivated so thank you! Anyways enjoy this chapter🙂)

"Do you even like me?"

A long pause came over the two

"I know you probably don't like me in a romantic sense but please... don't do something like that again-" Zhongli said while looking out the window "Remember when I taught you how to use chopsticks? Ha, I think that was the first time I had realized I lik- never mind..."

Childe sighs while saying "Are you going to let me talk now Zhongli-sensei?"

Childe then pulls Zhongli closer to him and puts his hand on his chin to break him out of the trance I of looking out the window

"Look at me Zhongli-sensei."
Childe says

"W-What are yo-"

"Shhh" Childe puts his index finger on Zhongli's mouth making him not able to talk

"Now that I've got you attention... you asked me earlier how do I really feel about you and I wanted to tell you this,  I don't like you..."

Zhongli eyes started to tear up when Childe proceeded to say

"I love you Zhongli-sensei, I always will and always had. Even when you make my wallet dry I still love you, when I have to pick you up from the tavern because you to drunk to go home I still love you, when you bicker and pout I still love you Zhongli-sensei."

Childe let's go if his index finger then tears started to flow down Zhongli's eyes and he starts to whine aggressively

"W-why are you crying Zhongli-sensei?!?" Childe utters with a concerned look on his face

"B-because I- uh I'm just so... happy, and I love y-you to Childe."

Childe's eyes widen and he hugs Zhongli tightly, Zhongli stops crying and returns the embrace

"So will you be my partner Childe?" Zhongli whispers

"Of course Zhongli-sensei!" says Childe while putting Zhongli on his lap and giving him a passionate and loving kiss

"Mmm" Zhongli hums while Childe breaks the kiss

"I love you so much Zhongli-sensei." Childe says happily

"I love you more Childe"
Zhongli replies to the confession

"No I love you more!" Childe hisses back

They go on like this for the rest of the night arguing about who loves who more

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