Chapter 8// Cream Stew

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Zhongli anxiously fiddled with his fingers waiting for Childe to come out of the shower. He opens one of Childe's drawers and takes out the black velvet box, analyzing the rings inside as he though to himself...

'What if he doesn't like it?' What if-'

His thoughts we cut off by Childe coming out of the shower with just a towel covering his bare body.

"Oh Childe, your done showering I see..." Zhongli says awkwardly while hiding the black velvet box out of Childe's view

Childe noticed the sudden shift in Zhongli's posture and looked over at the others hand to see what he was hiding behind himself, he gazed at the object to see it was a small black velvet box

"And, what's that Zhongli's sensei?" Childe questions raising his eyebrow

"O-oh um... it's nothing important!" Zhongli replies stuttering

Zhongli didn't want to ruin the surprise so he swiftly decided to change the subject by asking, "Um... I'm pretty hungry, why d-don't we make something to eat with the goods we bought from the market?" He asked

"Ah, we could make some Cream Stew! I could even make some toasted bread as a side dish." Childe replies

Zhongli gives a relived sigh while giving himself a mental pat on the back for successfully changing the subject, and getting the orangette's focus on something else

Childe then puts on some clothes and walks out of the bedroom preparing himself to cook a meal

Zhongli was getting up as well as he hid the black box underneath his pillow.

As Childe is washing the chicken and veggies for the Cream Stew, Zhongli asked him something

"Childe, do you think maybe tomorrow I we could go on a date?" Zhongli says in a stern voice, he pushed back all his negative thoughts and was determined to give Childe the ring on their date

"I'd love to Zhongli-sensei."

Childe then finished cooking the Cream Strew and plates the warm fish with a side of toasted butter bread.

"Mhm~" Zhongli says with a satisfied grin as he enjoys his Stew

"I'm glad you like it Zhongli-sensei" Childe replies reaching over the table with a napkin to wipe the bread crumbs off his face.

"Thank you..." Zhongli says with his face getting heated

"You welcome" Chide says in reply

After they finish enjoying their Cream Stew they kiss goodnight and head to bed as Childe is trying to relax he feels a bump on his cheek, he lifts up his pillow to find a black box, the same one Zhongli was hiding from him earlier.

The curious orangette decided to open the velvet box only to find two beautiful couple rings!

Zhongli felt Childe moving around and asked "What the matter Childe?" As Zhongli looks and turns to him he sees the velvet box in his hand

"Zhongli-sensei... What are these for?"

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