Chapter 4// The Confrontation

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(I was going to update 2 days ago.. sorry for that 😑 my phone fell in the lake and I had to get a new one👌🏻 But I promise I will update soon!)

"Soo that's what happened?" said Venti

"Yeah," Zhongli said confusingly

"I mean when your ad old as me you catch on to things like this... I've always knew Childe looked at you in a different way but I never thought he'd go that far... hmmm, so what are you planning to do?" Venti asked

"I think... I-I like him..." Zhongli says hesitantly

Venti smirks "Sooo it's like that huh? Do you think he likes you?"

"No, I don't-" Zhongli spouts

"Well I'm not one to butt into relationships so I'll let you too figure out all this mess, but I do think you should talk to him about it. I mean you did run away..."

Zhongli thought to himself for a brief moment on the position he was in...

(Zhongli's thoughts)

Maybe Childe does like me? I mean don't you sleep with someone you care for... or at least somewhat like that?

"Okay I'll talk to him." Zhongli says with determination

"Tell me how it turns out!" Venti squeaks

Zhongli goes back home in Liyue to think of a game plan on confronting Childe when he hears a knock at the door

"Yes?" Zhongli says while opening the door only to close it at the sight of the person on the other side

"Zhongli-sensei... I came here so we could talk... after you ran away like that I-"

Childe was cut off with Zhongli opening the door

"Come, have a seat." Zhongli says

"Okay..." Childe says while having a seat

"So um.. I'm sorry about last night... I got a little carried away and I took advantage of you... when you were half sober I-" Childe was cut off again with Zhongli asking

"How exactly do you feel about me Childe?"

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