Chapter 10// Date

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"Mmh this taste so good!" Zhongli says as he puts his hands on his cheeks and sways

"Glad you like it Zhongli..." Childe replies whipping the crumbs off of Zhongli's face with his thumb

Zhongli blushes as he continued go enjoy his food.

(A/N: There in their date I decided to make it a picnic in the fields by Bishui River)

"Ah the sunset looks beautiful today..." Childe said holding Zhongli's hand

"Indeed it does." Zhongli replies gazing into the orangette's eyes and leans into to capture his lips

Childe's eyes widened but soon enough he gave in and returns the kiss with the same passion

The break the kiss panting, then lean into each other for a tight hug

"Let's go home now," Childe suggested

"Yeah let's do that."

The couple then walks into the sunset on their way home holding each other's hands lovingly


Also I have a question, do you guys want smut? YES/NO (answer in the comments.)




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