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"Harry, darling, just to let you know, we're having guests over for dinner tonight so if you could come home right after school then that would be much appreciated," my mum let me know as she peeked her head into my room.

"Sure, no problem! Who's coming over?" I asked eagerly. I tend to be quite social and therefore enjoy having company over. Well except for when it's my mum's business partners because more times than not I don't understand what they are even talking about and it's so frustrating and just plain boring.

"You'll see in the evening," she said in a teasing tone. I frowned but didn't comment on it. 

"When is Niall coming to pick you up?" she asked me. I looked at the clock hanging on my wall to check what time it was.

"Should be any minute now actually," I said just as a car honk was heard from outside. Talk about perfect timing, am I right?

"Well you better hurry your cute little butt then."

I quickly grabbed my thankfully already packed bag and my phone, kissed mummy on the cheek and the left the room. I don't enjoy making people wait for me.

"Bye, mummy!" I called out before stepping out the front door.

As I had expected, my best friend in the whole entire world aka Niall Horan was waiting for me in his fancy car.

He's been driving me to and from school since he got his license. I, in fact, have my license as well but I just don't like to drive. It's so stressful. 

At least he doesn't have to go out of his way every day to pick me up since we live in the same neighborhood. Otherwise I would feel really guilty for making him my chauffeur.

"Good morning, Harry!" I heard a beautiful voice with a clear accent not belonging to my friend say. I looked around with confusion until I noticed my neighbor, Zayn Tomlinson.

"G-good morning!" I greeted back nervously. I always get shy whenever him or his husband are in the vicinity because they're both extremely good looking men.

He smiled at me and I somehow managed to send him a small and awkward smile back, accompanied by a tiny wave in his general direction.

Before I could somehow embarrass myself further, I got into Niall's car.

"What's got you so pale, babe?" he asked me with concern.

"Nothing, just drive please," I pleaded quietly and he did just that.

"Did something happen?" he questioned further.

"No, everything's okay, I promise," I assured him.

"Good. Didn't feel like beating anyone up this morning anyway," he said casually but my eyes dilated.

"Niall! That's not funny! Why would you ever hurt anyone?!"

"To protect you, of course. You're my little innocent baby and you need my protection from the big bad world. I wouldn't mind hurting someone to keep you safe," he explained with full seriousness unfortunately. It managed to bring a huge blush on my cheeks.

"Thank you, Ni. I love you. But you seriously should never hurt anyone. Especially because of me," I told him.

"I love you too, baby. And we'll see about that."

After what seemed like only a minute, we arrived. We both got out of the warm  and cozy car. As soon as I placed my feet on the ground, I almost slipped on the ice. Thankfully I caught a hold of the car door first.

This is exactly why I don't like winter. I'm clumsy enough on the regular basis, but with all the ice around I come close to losing my life every single day.

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