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"You remember that friend of ours that you met the other day at the mall, Liam?" Louis asked me while we were eating the delicious lunch Zayn had cooked.

"Of course I remember him," I answered. I mean why wouldn't I? It was only a few days ago. I know that my memory is bad but I swear it's not that bad.

"Good. He's coming over tonight to hang out. He said he wants to get to know you and we haven't really hung out in a while anyway."

"Oh, that sounds nice," I replied. It was a lie. Or well partly. Yes, it would be nice to actually get to know their friend but at the same time it made me really nervous. What if he hates me?

"He should be here in a few hours, so if you want, we could all watch a movie or something until then," Zayn suggested.

"I'd love that."

"Great! Let's head upstairs then," Louis said and stood up from the table.

"Upstairs? Why would we go upstairs? I thought we were watching a movie?" I asked him in confusion.

"We are. But we are, or at least I am, lazy so I thought it would be a good idea to do it in our bedroom. If you're okay with that of course," Louis explained.

"Uhhh sure," I agreed reluctantly. It wasn't that I was uncomfortable, definitely not, but I was just nervous. Nervous about being so close to them.

"If you'd feel more comfortable in the living room then we can definitely go there, Darling."

"No, it's okay. Your bedroom is fine," I said since I didn't want to be a bother. Especially for something as silly as this.

"You guys head on upstairs and choose a movie, I'll clean up here," Zayn told us.

I then finally stood up as well. Louis grabbed my hand and started gently pulling me along.

In their room he sat down on the bottom edge of their bed and pulled me down as well. He turned on the tv, went on Netflix and then handed me the remote.

"You can choose," he stated.

"Oh, thanks." I don't know why I still get surprised when they let me choose every single time.

After looking around the site for a while I found a movie I liked. Or, well, a cartoon I suppose.

Zayn came into the room a few minutes later. "Did you choose one?" he asked.


"What did you choose?"

"Secret life of pets. I've wanted to watch it for a while," I answered. "Hey, I need to go to the bathroom really quickly. Don't start the movie without me!" I called out as I ran into their bathroom. I'm pretty sure I heard them both chuckle

I hurriedly did my business and returned to their bed. They were now both laying down on it and cuddling.

I stood next to the bed awkwardly because I wasn't sure where I was supposed to sit. I didn't want to sit on the bed and interrupt them but there wasn't a chair or anything. I was actually considering sitting on the floor but then Louis spoke up.

"Come join us." He held out his free arm.

I got on the bed with a blush and sat next to Louis. He let out a sigh before pulling me so I was laying down as well.

So that means that the three of us were cuddling on their huge bed. Louis was laying on the middle of it and Zayn and I both had our heads on each of his shoulders.

Zayn hit play and the movie started.

I almost fell asleep in the middle of the movie. I was so comfortable and relaxed. At one point Louis started playing with my hair which definitely didn't help either.

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