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Zayn's POV

"Do you think we should wake him up?" I asked Louis. We were standing in the doorway of Harry's room and watching him sleep.

I realize how creepy that sounds, but he looks so peaceful and I just don't want to disturb him.

"Yes, Zayn, we should. He needs to go to school and he can't be late," he told me sternly.

"But look how peaceful and cute he looks!" In my defense, he does look adorable in his bear covered pajamas and a teddy bear cuddled into his chest.

"I can see that, yes. I do have eyes you know." He rolled his beautiful blue eyes.

"Fine. But you have to wake him up then," I gave in. I don't like arguing with Lou.

"Alright," he agreed and walked up to Harry's bed. He started shaking him lightly and used a very calm tone.

"Darling, you need to wake up or you'll be late to school."

I saw Harry slowly open his eyes and yawn.

"Morning," he said tiredly.

"Did you sleep in Darling?" Louis asked him.

"What time is it?" Harry asked while rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. Fucking adorable.

"It's 7.15. We weren't sure what time you wanted to be woken up,  or if you even wanted it at all, so we decided to rather be safe than sorry," Lou explained to him.

"Oh my god. is it really that late?" he asked with surprise and checked his phone. "Oh, thank you so much for waking me up. I think I slept through my alarm."

"It's no problem, sweetheart. We could start waking you up every morning if you'd like," I offered.

"I would hate to be a bother."

"Trust me Harry, you could never be a bother to us," I told him with full honesty.

"Thanks, I'd appreciate it then," he said quietly with red cheeks. How cute.

"Alright, we'll go now so you can start getting ready. I'm gonna start making breakfast so head down when you're ready."


Lou and I left the room. I just made some simple porridge that morning. Harry thanked me and told me it was delicious like he did last night and then went outside to wait for his friend.

Talking about that, we need to meet that boy. We need to know that he's not a bad person. Although I doubt that Harry would associate himself with someone ill-behaved.

Soon after Harry left, Louis left for a photoshoot as well, leaving me all alone. I decided to keep working on my current painting.

Art has always been my escape from the world. It makes me feel free and like I have a purpose.

And besides, doing art always gives me access to some alone time and just time to think. This time the star of my thoughts seemed to be Harry.

In the beginning, we were both so scared of the situation. We were sure that we couldn't even take care of a dog properly, which is why we don't have one, let alone a child. But now it doesn't seem that scary at all. Harry is actually really easy to look after and he's very fun and absolutely adorable.

Okay, I know that he's only been here for a day but so far it's been working out perfectly.

At first when his mum asked us this, I was so shocked, since we've never really even talked properly. I don't think before this I've even had an actual conversation with Harry. But now I'm so glad she suggested him staying with us.      

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