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"You'll never guess what happened yesterday!" I started the conversation with a huge amount of excitement at lunch.

"Did they finally ask you to be their boyfriend?" Niall asked casually while continuing to stuff his face with food. I pouted because I had wanted to say it. It was supposed to be a surprise.

"How did you know?"

"Oh please. I've been waiting for them to ask you for weeks."

"Oh." I pouted again. I wanted all my friends to be as surprised and excited as I was.

"Well, I, for one, am really happy for you, Haz," Dom said and gave me a side hug.

"Thanks." I smiled. At least one of them had some kind of a positive reaction.

"They did? Oh," was Luke's response. I'm not sure why but he sounded sad. Maybe something happened?

"Are you okay?" I asked him with concern.

"Yeah, of course, princess," he responded with a fake smile.

"Are you sure?" I was still worried.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just heard something I didn't like."

"Oh. And what was the thing you heard?"

"Just some shit about my grades so you don't need to worry," he now said with a genuine smile. It brightened up my mood. I love making people smile.

"So how did they ask you?" Niall questioned.

"You know what, I just remembered that I was supposed to see a teacher. I'll see you guys in class." Luke suddenly got up and left. Oh no, I hope he's not too late. I know the teachers in this school aren't very patient.

"Okay um they took me to this really fancy restaurant and I accidentally said I love them and then they said it back and asked me to be their boyfriend."

"How can you accidentally say something so big?" Dom laughed.

"It just slipped out!"

"Only you Haz, only you," Niall said while laughing and shaking his head. They're both meanies for laughing at me.

"Niall, has Liam told you anything about your date yet?" I changed the topic.

"Not yet but it's still morning."

"I can't wait until we can start going on double dates!"

"Oh my god, me too!" my best friend was equally as excited as I was. "Let's just hope I don't blow it. I really like him you know."

"You won't blow it Ni, you're great. If he doesn't see it he's blind. And dumb as shit," Dom comforted him before I could.

"He's right Niall, you're amazing."

"Thank you guys, I love you."

"We love you too, Niall."


"Hello class! Today we're starting a new project. And before you start complaining about the time limit, because I know you'll be busy with the exams soon, you have until the rest of the school year to complete it," our art teacher started the lesson.

I was actually quite excited. I like art. I'm not very talented in the field but that doesn't stop me from enjoying it. And maybe I could get Zayn to help me. Who am I kidding, of course he'll help. There's no possible way I could fail this assignment.

"You will have to do a painting on a canvas with the minimum size of 50×70 cm. You have to paint your idol or favorite celebrity or celebrity crush. The only criteria is that they have to be well known. The last week of school there will be an art gallery held. The one and only Zayn Malik has agreed to show our school's best paintings at his gallery! Isn't that exciting?" It was clear the teacher was over the moon.

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