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AN: This is the longest chapter I've ever written for any of my books. It also took me a shit ton of time to write so I'm never doing it again.

This is going horrible.

"Put it out!" I yelled. Louis ran and grabbed a glass of water. He threw it in the oven but it didn't help at all, the flames only grew higher.

Yes, we burned our dinner. Like actually burned it. It's currently in bright yellow flames.

Zayn had left us alone for ten minutes to take a phone call. Lou and I started talking and we might have forgotten to take the food out. Okay a bit of kissing might have also been involved.

The flames only grew higher and higher and I started to actually panic.

This has got to be the worst date in the history of dates.

12 hours ago

"Sweetheart, would you like to go on a date with us tonight?" Zayn asked me during breakfast. I almost spit out the juice I was drinking.

"What? You want to go on a date with me?" I asked with genuine surprise.

"Of course we do, darling. We told you we like you, so why wouldn't we?"

"I wasn't sure you were serious," I admitted quietly.

"Why in the world would you think that? Have either of us ever lied to you before?" Zayn asked me seriously.

"No, you haven't." I blushed. "I just don't understand."

"Understand what?"

"Why you guys would like me. I mean you have everything: money, fame, amazing looks and- most importantly- each other. I don't understand why you would need me."

"I sure as hell hope you're kidding right now, darling, because otherwise you're completely insane. You're absolutely perfect. You're the sweetest person ever. You're so kind and always care about others more than yourself, which, by the way, we need to start working on," Louis started.

"You're brave and funny and charismatic and not to mention the most gorgeous boy in the world. In the short month and a half that you've lived here you've become an extremely important part of our lives. We never realized something in our relationship was missing until we got to know you. You complete us, Harry," Zayn finished.

By the end of their little speeches I had tears in my eyes. That was so sweet of them.

"Thank you," ,s all I could get out.

"Oh, sweetheart, come here." Zayn pulled me into a hug. It instantly gave me a sense of comfort. His and Louis' presence always does.

"You mean so much to us, darling," Louis joined our hug.

"You two mean so much to me, you have no idea," I said.

"Trust me, sweetie, we have a very good idea of what your feel."

"As lovely as this has been, I need to go. And so do you, darling, or else you'll be late for school."

Oh fudge, I completely forgot about school. I'm sure it's understandable since I was in the presence of 2 incredibly distracting people.

"Go grab your bag, sweetie," Zayn told me.

I quickly ran to my room and grabbed the forgotten backpack. Zayn was waiting at the bottom of the staircase.

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