Chapter Twenty Seven: Sneak Peak into Drake's Life
I slumped back on the chair, stretching my arms. I have been solving Math sums since quite a lot of time & needless to say, my brain’s exhausted now. Closing the book, I rose from the seat & decided a walk in the lawn downstairs would be the best thing to do.
It was dusk; the cool breeze seemed welcoming outside. As I walked downstairs, I discovered Mark hadn’t yet returned home. Right then, the doorbell rang. I opened the door to find my brother. He walked past me, without even bothering to acknowledge my presence. And yes, he wore a disgruntled look on his face.
“Hey, what’s up?” I greeted him.
“Its none of your business, so keep shut.” He answered back rudely.
That left me shocked, “hey, what’s wrong? Did something happen in school? Some fight? I--”
“Do you have to know every bloody thing?? If you don’t have anything to do, bury yourself in a hole cause you’re least needed!!” he spoke in a high pitch.
“Mark, you can’t be---”
But he didn’t even stop to listen. Five seconds later, I heard him banging the door of his room shut.
I was left puzzled & shocked at that behavior of his. He was in a very foul mood, it was obvious. Usually, Mark is a very jolly person who is seldom in a bad mood but when he is livid, which is very rare, all hell breaks loose. And today was one of those rare days.
I rang up Drake, assuming he might know the reason behind Mark’s temper but Drake didn’t answer my calls.
Yeah right, I should’ve understood by now that the blonde haired guy has taken a pledge to never ever respond to my phone calls.
So that meant I would have to wait till the next day to try & find out the reason.
It wasn’t a difficult task at all for me to figure out what had suddenly gone wrong with my brother cause the entire school was whispering & gossiping about a supposed fight that had taken place between Drake & Mark! Yes, you heard it right, fight between two best friends.
“I heard some people talking that Drake and Mark had an argument while working on their video game & that argument soon escalated into an ugly spat.” Soph said when we were in the canteen.
“Yeah, it seems that this is the biggest fight that they have had till date & it doesn’t appear things will calm down between them.” said Laura solemnly.
I sat there perplexed. To tell the truth, I have seen the strong camaraderie that the two boys share & I never thought they would allow such a big fight to happen between them. But I guess, nothing is guaranteed.
And then again, I saw the ‘popular table’ that was filled with supposedly popular people—minus Drake this time. Mark was seated in some other table, far away from the popular table. It was so evident that my brother was being sidelined or avoided by those very people who flocked him whenever he was with Drake. Susan’s bitter words came rushing to my mind. Was it really true that people speak to Mark only because he is Drake’s best friend?. It is true cause, now, Mark is the one who is avoided, ignored & isolated. That fact gave rise to a pricking uneasy feeling behind my chest.
I recollected a conversation I had with Mark around two months ago, maybe. We were in the car, on our way back home from school.
“Mark, um….I wanted to speak to you about something important.” I said

The Bad Boy Nerd
Teen Fiction"New student, right?" the Principal asked me. I nodded meekly, hoping that he would turn out to be a patient suffering from short term memory loss and would forget about detention but his next words confirmed how rotten my luck was! "Mr Spencer, Ms...