It's a long one! Enjoy the ride ;) And don't skip the A/N in the end ;) ;)
Precap" Drake and Andrea meet at a party and get handcuffed to each other by Sophia who loses the key to unlock their hands.
If at all I ask any random mirror on any random wall to tell me who looked the scariest of them all.
The mirror would tell me an 'it'd- would--be--you--Andy.'
And trust me when I say I wouldn't agree less with it 'cause I bet I was stood looking the grumpiest I've ever looked in my approximate two decade long existence. That's because I was feeling exactly the way you had felt when you were handcuffed to the very last person you would want to be with. Oh wait, you'd be clueless about how I was feeling 'cause you, fortunately, never ever had to wear a handcuff of all the things unless, ofcourse, you did something criminal---which I'm sure you didn't (Yeah, we're all good, law abiding people here! Dee!)---or you have a friend like Sophia who carries a handcuff as though it were a normal thing to keep in a bag.
I was getting fed up of the party. I didn't wanna be there anyway. I turned to the blonde haired soul who,unfortunately, was stood alongside me.
"I can't tolerate this place anymore. I want to go home!" I said in frustration.
"In other words, are you telling me you wanna take me home?" Drake smirked.
I frowned hard at him. "Pervert!"
"Pervert who?" he retorted in deep offence. "If you haven't realized yet, let me tell you we're handcuffed. I'm assuming you to know what that means!! So unless your body is stretchable to infinity, you can't go home without me."
"I want to go outside of here!"I said grumpily.
"I'm not going anywhere," he said stubbornly, looking away from me. "I'm standing right here."
"Yes. You're coming outside!" I glared at him.
"No. I'm not!" he said firmly.
"Get over it!" he said, losing patience.
"I won't," I snapped back. "I'm suffocating in here! I might just get giddy any moment from now and fall on the floor unconscious and you will be blamed for it. Things might turn all the more serious and I might be admitted in the ICU and again, you will be blamed for it. So if you don't want the police to handcuff you in real, you have to walk outside for me."
"Fine," he muttered, rolling his eyes. "You should be cast in Scream Queens."
I gave him a pointed look over his comment. But when we ventured outside, I suddenly recollected something. With my eyes wide open, I ran back inside the farmhouse, ofcourse, dragging Drake behind me in that process. Ignoring his utters of protest, I scanned the place for Soph. When I finally spotted her in the midst of the dancing people, she wasn't alone.
She was close dancing with the very same brown haired guy who had asked me for a dance earlier and whom Drake had scared away by speaking crap about me.
I walked outside again in irritation and ofcourse, dragging Drake behind me once again.
"What do you want, you indecisive woman!" Drake snapped.

The Bad Boy Nerd
Teen Fiction"New student, right?" the Principal asked me. I nodded meekly, hoping that he would turn out to be a patient suffering from short term memory loss and would forget about detention but his next words confirmed how rotten my luck was! "Mr Spencer, Ms...