Chapter Thirty Eight: Are We Making Love?

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"I'm good with it. Infact, I'm really happy for Soph." Laura said with an amused smile.

Soph & I were staring at her blankly for a good five seconds. Let me tell you what I was expecting—a big cat fight with Laura accusing Soph for stealing her crush. And in the end of it, ordering me to choose one between them to remain friends with.

But turns out I won't be put into that uncomfortable situation.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, absolutely! I don't know what's there to be so astonished about." Laura responded.

"Mark's your crush and he is dating Soph. And you are okay with it. Doesn't this sound weird to you?" I prodded.

Laura laughed, "Andy, I've moved on! Mark never had feelings for me. I'd be a fool waiting for something that's never gonna happen. I'm genuinely happy for Soph!"

Soph hugged Laura, "Thanks a lot, Laura! I was so scared, how would you react. I can't tell you how relieved I'm now."


"So, how did it go?" Drake asked as I got in the car.

"It went all well. There weren't any heart breaks, accusing, hair pulling or punching or anything." I muttered, putting on the seat belt.

"Really?" he was startled, "That's, well, strange if you ask me. Laura was very much into your brother."

"I know right. But she said she moved on."

"I really hope that's the case." Drake said, as he started to drive the car out of the school's parking lot.

"If its not, then Laura's a really good actor." I said, "But I think Laura is over Mark. She's become a really strong girl than what she was when I first saw her."

There was a bit of a pause after that.

"By the way, I still can't believe you agreed to watch this romantic film with me." I remarked.

Yeah, Drake and I are going for a movie date. Hehehe.

"Yep, I will have a sound sleep in the theatre while you watch that crappy film. You see, I've to study Economics in the night today." he said in a serious tone.

I frowned really hard on that.

"You know what, I really thought you would at least try and be sweet and cute like the One Direction guys. But let me inform you that you're are way at the bottom of the ladder."

"One Direction who?"

"That's it Drake Spencer! You crossed the line. I'm blocking you on Twitter and Instagram now." I snapped.

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