Chapter Eleven: Mark Crazy for Marks!
Guess what? Drake was actually speaking the truth when he said he would help in my project. And that's why I was in the players' dressing room with him after the football practice that morning. Dad had brought me a professional camera last year so I would be using it for all my assignments. I fixed the camera & pressed the recording button. Drake looked at it & gave a charming smile. I made sure to not get affected by that.
"You're not here for some sexy photoshoot or skin-show modeling. So stop flashing your attractiveness." I snapped at him & stopped the recording.
"So you do admit I am attractive?" he quizzed, smirking.
I rolled my eyes, "We can carry on with this nonsense talk when I have time to waste. But right now, you're answering me about football."
"Why not about Math when you know I'm far better than you on that!"
"Don't go there okay! People do get lucky sometimes like you were in that test." I retorted.
"So it means you admit that you're nowhere close to me when it comes to football?"
By the smirk on his face, it was clear he was enjoying the time of his life by irritating the hell otta me!!
"Don't hurt my ego cause I can hurt yours as well!" I threatened him sharply.
He didn't speak after that though he was smiling menacingly. I put the camera on recording mode & then began the interview with me sitting behind the camera & focusing it on him. He provided thoughtful, serious, occasionally humorous answers to whatever I had to ask him. I was shocked to believe that we were having a civil talk for once. But it wasn't that shocking since it was all for the camera & for my assignment. I finally concluded the interview, stopped the recording & saved it.
"I don't know whether you deserve to be said a 'Thankyou' from me or not." I remarked, given the fact that I had to go through a whole lot of nonsense to get this interview from him.
"Its okay cause you are not 'Welcome' anyway!" he shrugged.
I frowned, "Whatever!!"
I staged a walk out. We were back to how we usually are. The war of words between us can never end in eternity. But the moral of the story is, I won't flunk in my project now! Phew!
"Like Seriously Andy? Are you sure you didn't kiss him even once on your date?" Soph asked for the nth time when I got to the canteen.
She, me & Laura sat at a table. The girls were behind my back to tell them everything that happened between Drake & me since the time I got back home after my "date" with him. When I did tell them all, they were nothing but less enthused because they didn't get to hear what they actually wanted to hear--The Kiss.
"Oh Come On Sophia! Andy would have come to know if Drake would have kissed her, isn't that obvious?" Laura shook her head.
"No. Drake & I did not kiss." I repeated the statement for the nth time altogether.
"Not even lil bit?" Soph pried further.
"No. Not even lil of the lil bit."
"Didn't yours & his lips touch even for a split second?" Soph asked, digging all the more into the subject.
I was about to reply but stopped. The thought of my brief intimate moment with him at the club came rushing to my mind. But the very next second, I brushed it off completely.

The Bad Boy Nerd
Teen Fiction"New student, right?" the Principal asked me. I nodded meekly, hoping that he would turn out to be a patient suffering from short term memory loss and would forget about detention but his next words confirmed how rotten my luck was! "Mr Spencer, Ms...