Chapter Fifteen: Plans For Break-up and the Shocking Pair-up
"What's happening in school these days, you two?" Dad asked at dinner that night.
"Nothing much, Lately Mark has been receiving a lot of attention--I mean detentions from professors." I shrugged, helping myself to mashed potatoes.
"And Andy is adored so much by the professors that she got thrown out of class recently." Mark said, eating the gravy.
"That means you two are bad kids at school." Mum remarked, placing her fork on the table, "Think I should start giving both of you detentions at home."
Mark & I froze in horror & just couldn't push the morsel of food down our throats after hearing that.
"N-No! I-I was joking...Mark passed his History test with good marks. Laura told me that the professor remarked Mark should get a gold medal for this." I said
"Yes Yes! Its true. And Andy's recent English assignment was the best in class." said Mark, "We rock, sister!"
"There is no doubt on that brother!" I replied back. We did a Hi-5 after that.
"Nice way of repairing the damages done." my dad chuckled seeing Mark & me act stupid, "But you know what, your mum & I trust both of you."
"That's true. We trust you two to judge what is right & not be involved in anything seriously wrong." Mum agreed.
"Heard that Mark? Atleast now you can try & bring down the number of detentions you get in a week." I told him.
"And you can very well drag your lazy bones to class on time." he poked me back.
Mum & Dad sighed at that. Mark & I gave a soft chuckle at that.
"Mom, Dad" spoke Mark in a serious tone, "You're the coolest parents ever! We won't let you down for sure."
"Absolutely! You won't be disappointed with us." I added.
"Seems like my seventeen year old kids are mature after all." mum smiled.
"I can't be sure about Andy but I'm mature after all." Mark thumped his chest with pride.
"Look who's talking." I raised my brows at him.
And that's how dinner for that night ended like always. Ha Ha!
I had just entered my room upstairs when I heard my phone buzzing on my study table. I answered Soph's call.
Twenty minutes later, Dad was dropping me at Sophia's house. Laura too arrived there at the same time in a cab.
"The plan for sleepover sounds a good one. Seems like Soph can't wait to tell us about her date in person." Laura said as she rang the doorbell of the house.
"Yeah, looks like she has had the Best Kiss Ever." I agreed.
But when Soph ushered us into her house, then into her room, Laura & I could tell Soph didn't really have the Best Date Ever. Soph sighed & slumped onto the sofa, giving us the world's time to guess what went wrong on her date.
Laura & I looked at each other, not knowing what to do. Then I took the brave step,
"So,um, did Mike turn out to be a vampire?" I asked. Laura raised her brows at me.
"Worse than that." Soph replied.
"Ermm...was he some horcrux of Voldemort, you know, You-Know-Who."

The Bad Boy Nerd
Teen Fiction"New student, right?" the Principal asked me. I nodded meekly, hoping that he would turn out to be a patient suffering from short term memory loss and would forget about detention but his next words confirmed how rotten my luck was! "Mr Spencer, Ms...