Chapter Sixteen: Film Plans with Drake
"Drake gave what???" my jaw dropped at what I just heard.
"That's right. Drake registered with me the genre & films on which both of your project will be based." Miss Martin spoke, "I'm surprised you are unaware of it. Aren't you two supposed to discuss the topic before letting me know?"
"He didn't speak to me even a word about the project." I said, mentally cursing Drake.
"I'm disappointed by the lack of teamwork there. Well, he chose The Conjuring and Annabelle in Horror genre. Since he didn't discuss with you before finalizing, I allow you to change the films if you want."
"Yes, Yes I want to. I've thought of Fault In Our Stars and A Walk To Remember." I mentioned eagerly.
"Well, the two films have already been taken."
My eagerness met an immediate death as I heard that. Sensing my disappointment, Miss Martin spoke,
"Well, Horror is a very interesting genre which only a few have taken. I think you can put up an exciting project on that & gain extra points!"
"Okay." I agreed & then made my way out of the staff room cause whatever films I had in mind were already taken by some or the other. Sigh! Oh & I know where I should be next.
As expected, I entered the Computer Science lab to find Mark & Drake discussing something, probably about the Video Game festival. I approached them.
"Mark, I can't believe you've decided to develop a video game with a person who lacks every sense of team work." I told my brother, targeting Drake.
"Mark, the thing is team work is put into practice only when the other person in the team is capable enough to think & act wisely." Drake said to my brother, obviously targeting me back.
"How DARE you call me dumb?" I scowled at Drake.
"When did I say you're dumb?" he pretended to be surprised, "So you do think you're dumb, eh?"
I glared at him fiercely.
"Guys, you don't---" Mark tried to say something but I didn't allow.
"Couldn't you use your rusted brain & thought of any other genre except Horror?" I fired at Drake.
"How did your nonexistent brain even think I would choose cheesy, sugar-coated romantic films if that's what you wanted." Drake retorted.
"For your not-so-kind information, the films that I had in mind were not cheesy, sugar coated films." I snapped back at him, "Why the bloody hell did you have to choose Horror??"
"That's because I thought Horror must be your favorite genre cause its your hobby to threaten an innocent & sweet guy like me." Drake shrugged.
I was red in anger hearing that, "I will---"
I couldn't complete as this time, Mark interrupted with determination,
"Guys Guys please, I think we are attracting unwanted attention." my brother said in a low voice. I glanced around. He was right. A lot of people there were looking at us. Mark spoke again to Drake & me, "Both of you seriously need to stop fighting like this. And Drake, as a brother, I can't permit you to speak like that to my sister."
"Thank you Mark." I said in gratitude. My brother is on my side! Yay!
"The Conjuring & Annabelle are superb films. Everyone has watched it. I don't understand why she has a problem with it!" Drake said to Mark.

The Bad Boy Nerd
Teen Fiction"New student, right?" the Principal asked me. I nodded meekly, hoping that he would turn out to be a patient suffering from short term memory loss and would forget about detention but his next words confirmed how rotten my luck was! "Mr Spencer, Ms...