Chapter Twenty One : Let Me Kiss You
The night club it was. Dimmed lights, sexy music in the background, & cocktail table to suit the variety of boozing needs. There were drinking figures, dancing figures and both drinking & dancing figures. Presently, my brother Mark & my arch enemy Drake belonged to the first category of figures.
We were at the cocktail counter where these two were boozing & I, well, was watching them booze.
“Can you guys please stop it? You two have had enough!!” I said, irritated as they went on gulping down couple of glasses.
But they blankly ignored. The thing with Mark is when he drinks, he goes overboard.
“You can use your legs & go to dance as well.” I told him.
“I’m not Drake. Girls won’t flock around me.” Mark sighed.
Drake laughed hearing that.
“I don’t remember telling you to add salt to my wounds.” my brother snapped him.
“Hey, I’m not! I’m not that good looking.” Drake denied.
“Someone wants to be modest but not really trying to do so.” I remarked sharply at Drake.
He didn’t say anything after that but chose to take another sip of his drink. I turned to my brother,
“Mark, you have got good looks. After all, you’re my brother!”
“So you think you’ve got good lo---”
“Hey! I’m not talking to you, so don’t butt in!” I snapped Drake, interrupting whatever he was thinking of telling me.
“Fine.” Drake muttered, getting back to sipping his drink.
“You’re right Andy, I should not give up even before trying.” Mark said, his chest swelling in confidence.
With that swelling chest, I saw my brother walk up to the dance floor as if he was stepping on the battlefield. Oh boy! Sigh!
Drake & I watched Mark as he began to, well, groove. He looked very awkward, the way he was moving his hands & legs amidst the crowd. I shook my head, letting out a heavy sigh. And his “dance” grew more weird & strange every passing moment so much so that I ultimately had to face palm.
I think I should just pull Mark out of there. Sheesh!
“Hey, Look! It might make you proud.”
Drake’s voice caused me to remove my hand from over my eyes & see what he was telling me to see. And what was I seeing? Mark was now dancing with a hot girl who seemed too much smitten by him. Mark’s hands were on her slim waist while her hands were around his neck. Close dancing, it was!
I couldn’t help but giggle.
“My influence. Your brother did pick up one or two things from me.” I heard Drake snicker.
“You can’t think of anything else than falsely praising yourself, right?” I chided.
“Well, on the contrary, I’ve just thought of something great.”
He placed the glass of drink back on the tray & leaned towards me while placing his elbow on the counter.
“Dance with me.”Drake spoke, his husky eyes looking straight into me.
“What??” I was startled, absolutely sure that what I heard was not what he said.
“Dance with me.” he repeated more firmly.

The Bad Boy Nerd
Teen Fiction"New student, right?" the Principal asked me. I nodded meekly, hoping that he would turn out to be a patient suffering from short term memory loss and would forget about detention but his next words confirmed how rotten my luck was! "Mr Spencer, Ms...