"I don't even want to imagine how many tissue boxes you must have used in the last three days." Laura sighed.
"Trust me; I don't want to imagine either. Infact, I don't even want to believe that Drake & I broke up."I said glumly.
We were walking along the corridors in school when all of a sudden we found ourselves face to face with Drake and Susan at a turn. My heart sank seeing them together with Susan smirking nastily at me. Drake, on the other hand, kept an expressionless face and looked through me. I couldn't decide which one hurt more. Perhaps the latter one.
Laura pulled me away from there. Glad she did that cause I was feeling sick inside.
It had been three days. Three whole days after Drake and I broke up. I end up crying in my pillow every night wishing that it was all a bad dream. It felt as though the dire pain was crippling my existence in the cruelest way. I wanted to move on but it seemed like Time had stood still. Its so hard when you have had some beautiful memories with the same person who now seems a complete stranger to you. The emptiness in your life overpowers you completely. You thought the person loved you back equally but you realize how wrong you were....I don't know how people survive a heart-break because the pain literally obliterates your soul.
And then, each day I have to see Susan with Drake, especially in the canteen where she sits on his lap and leaves no chance to kiss him. That pushes me further in the dark hole of loneliness and despair. Is it so easy for Drake to be with someone else? Is it so easy for him to forget everything that we had between us?
Susan left no chance to be spiteful and ridicule me.
"I had told you that Drake would leave you and come to me. And that's what has happened. You thought very highly of yourself. Turns out you're just dirt. Good that he used and threw you away, you deserve this Andrea." Susan had mocked the other day.
And I just couldn't give it back to her. I had walked away from there, taking those humiliating words lying down.
The bell rang. The Journo class just ended. I had really thought I could get Drake out of my mind in that class. But I just couldn't concentrate even in my favorite subject. I walked out of the class, hoping to find a place where I could be alone. The Locker Room was empty, the one girl who was in there was moving out. I reached my locker, opened it and buried my head inside it to let the tears that, I was holding back for so long, flow out. Yeah, it was just another crying session.
All of a sudden, I felt someone's hands circling around my waist. I got my head out of the locker and turned to see that it was Daniel.
"What the hell are you doing?" I was startled.
He pulled me closer to him, "Drake left you, didn't he?"
"Its....Its none of your business!!" my voice cracked. It was so painful to hear those words.....
"Its definitely my business!! I can't see you broken and hurt!! He doesn't deserves you!!"
"Go away...I don't want you anywhere near me.... " I tried to get away from him when his face was inching closer to mine.
"Give me another chance, Andy...." I could feel his breaths on my face.
My resistance was weakening. I felt so confused, couldn't differentiate between illusion and reality....My eyes closed on its own as reflex....
"Come back Andy, I miss you...."
I heard him before he pressed his lips onto mine. I felt him kissing me, caressing my lips with his. My mind felt clouded. I couldn't understand what to do. I was supposed to push him away but I wasn't doing that. I wasn't responding to him either. I felt so fragile. Guess when you're devastated and lonely, you give in to your surroundings. At least that was what I was doing by letting Daniel kiss me. ...His tongue desperately wanted access to my mouth. He desperately wanted me to moan his name but the one name that was itched in my mind and heart happened to come onto my lips...

The Bad Boy Nerd
Подростковая литература"New student, right?" the Principal asked me. I nodded meekly, hoping that he would turn out to be a patient suffering from short term memory loss and would forget about detention but his next words confirmed how rotten my luck was! "Mr Spencer, Ms...