Chapter Eighteen: Exploring Drake
One of the main problems in Biology, for me atleast, is the difficulty level of spellings. That haunts you even more when you have a Biology test the next day & you’ve started studying from today. Groan! I literally have to dig my face into the book to score well. I lied down on my stomach & put the book under my nose.
“Hi Andy.” Mark entered my room.
“Bye Andy.” Mark exited my room but after taking one of my belongings.
“Hey, if you haven’t noticed it, you’re taking away my laptop.” I called after him.
“Yeah.” he replied carelessly.
I jumped on my feet & followed him. Drake is in the house as well. Heavens know for what mission they need my laptop.
“Can you please enlighten me what are you guys upto?” I asked as I made into Mark’s room.
“We want to test a software coding in your laptop.” My brother replied.
“Yes. And If it doesn’t works out as we expect, it would only delete all your files and nothing else.” Drake shrugged casually.
I was blue in shock hearing that.
“Chill, sister, he’s joking. Nothing of that sort will happen.” Mark chuckled, switching on my laptop.
I heaved a huge sigh of relief.
“You just ruined the fun Mark!” Drake complained.
“You can fool Andy again anyway. Actually, Andy can be fooled 10 times a day on an average.” Mark said jokingly.
“That’s a great piece of news. Will keep in mind.” Drake pretended to take down notes.
“Excuse me??? I’m standing right here & you two are making fun of me, sitting under my very nose!!” I grunted.
They both laughed at that. I was so pissed, I tell you! My laptop asked for the password.
“You will never be able to use my laptop cause you can never ever guess my password. Ha Ha!” I gave a wicked grin.
Both raised their eyebrows at me.
“Is it that difficult?” Drake drawled.
“Not really, ofcourse. The password is ‘OneDirection’ without a doubt.” Mark stated in an obvious tone.
“WRONG, its not that.” I said on his face.
“Then in that case, it would be ‘OneDirection24*7’.” Drake said as if he were saying two and two make four.
What the hell!!!
“Its not that again.” I said with my nose in the air.
“Oh yes it is, baby sister. I can detect your lie.” Mark boasted with pride.
Drake entered the password & well, the screen flashed welcome. My mouth parted in a picture perfect O. Drake smirked. How on earth could he guess it right!!!
“Don’t look at my personal stuff!” I snapped as Drake began using the touch screen.
“Her personal stuff mean ‘ID, Doraemon & SpongeBob SquarePants.” Mark remarked.
“Oh but she has a great collection of video games & these aren’t baby games as I had expected!” Drake commented, looking at the icons.
“She’s still at Level 1 in that bike game.” Mark remarked again

The Bad Boy Nerd
Teen Fiction"New student, right?" the Principal asked me. I nodded meekly, hoping that he would turn out to be a patient suffering from short term memory loss and would forget about detention but his next words confirmed how rotten my luck was! "Mr Spencer, Ms...