"So, things are not good between you and Sophia?" Drake asked when we met in school the next morning.
"Yeah.." I sighed, "And I really want to set things straight. Only problem is I don't know how!"
"You haven't yet told me why exactly she is mad at you." he pointed out.
"Um..girly stuff, you won't understand." I said.
Like I'm gonna tell him about Daniel.
"I wouldn't be surprised if I come to know that you fought with her for a One Direction T-shirt!" Drake laughed.
I frowned, "Excuse me Mister!! Are you trying to say I fight with people for no reason?"
"Yep! You can take our history as a reference point if you've a doubt." he shrugged.
"Well, I'm nice to people. I had been trying to make you realize that you don't have a solid IQ but a semi-liquid one." I snapped back sweetly.
Drake was all set to shoot back, "You really can never--"
But he stopped midway and said instead, "Look, Sophia's here."
I looked at the front. Indeed Sophia was coming our way.
"Uh, Soph, please just forget about yesterday. I know you were unhappy. I seriously don't want--"
"Hey! Are you still thinking about what happened yesterday?" Soph interrupted me in an amused chirpy voice, "Relax! Don't worry! Yesterday is long gone, today is a bright new day. Today is such a beautiful day! I don't think you should ruin it like this! We're best friends forever! And today is a lovely day to start something new!"
Um, O...kay? Will someone kindly explain as to what exactly was that?
To be honest, I was gaping at her blankly, unable to make head or tail of her bubbly mood.
"Um, not to be rude or anything, are you sure you're right in the head cause we did have a serious issue yesterday." I stressed on the relevant word.
"Ofcourse I know what I'm saying!" she quipped, "Infact I'm sorry for what I said yesterday! But now, I guess, we are good?"
"Um, yeah. Yeah, if you say so." I bobbed my head.
Sophia waved at us and left.
"Whoa! I think this was nowhere close to what you were expecting. What was that?" Drake remarked, amused.
"I swear I've no clue!" I mumbled.
"This proves that you did indeed fight with her over One Direction stuff. People can be so immature!" he remarked teasingly.
"I'm sure if you stop being bitchy about me, your hair won't turn grey." I snapped at him.
But Drake will be Drake. He continued to annoy me. Grr!!
After a hectic Math period that day, we were walking down the stairs on our way to canteen. Strange Mark hadn't turned up for the class. Infact, I haven't seen him since the time we came to school.
Seems like people close to me have a knack of disappearing all of a sudden.
"I was thinking of ways about how we can spend time with each other without getting into squabbles." I said with a cheesy smile.

The Bad Boy Nerd
Teen Fiction"New student, right?" the Principal asked me. I nodded meekly, hoping that he would turn out to be a patient suffering from short term memory loss and would forget about detention but his next words confirmed how rotten my luck was! "Mr Spencer, Ms...