Chapter Twenty Two: Did I Kiss You?

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Chapter Twenty Two: Did I Kiss You?

“Andy, listen! what exactly happened last night at the club? Did I do something stupid?” Mark called frantically after me.

“Just tell us what happened!! And we won’t bother you further.” Drake too called out anxiously.

But I just ignored the fact that they were following me everywhere I went & continued to walk at my pace.

The next day at school, as you see, hadn’t started out on a good note for me. Yes, as expected, Drake & Mark didn’t in the least remember the events of last night & so they were constantly behind my back to tell them everything cause, well, only I had a sane mind last night.

Irritated, I turned around & faced them, “Don’t eat my head. Nothing happened last night.”

“Don’t believe her! She is being sarcastic like always.” Drake told my brother.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

“Why didn’t you stop us from going over-the-top with drinks?” Mark complained.

“Oh really? As if you two would obediently listen to me & shun drinking.” I snapped back.

“Fine! We won’t get into that.” Drake said, “Just tell us whether Mark & I acted foolishly last night at the club cause we’ve got absolutely no clue on that.”

“Nothing happened.” I repeated coldly this time & started to walk away. I don’t know why his words were pricking me.

“Andy listen!” I heard Mark call out.

Man! They were still chasing me.

“Andy lis---”

He wasn’t able to complete cause I had already entered the Girls Washroom & shut the door close. Thankfully, there was no one in the washroom at that time. The thing is, I can’t really blame Mark for being so worried cause whenever he is too much drunk, he is bound to something idiotic. Last time when he got inebriated, he had bumped into a lamppost outside our house & thought he had knocked down a girl! Then he called me up to fetch the first aid box to bandage & give medicines to the lamppost whom he thought was a girl. Sigh!. But this time, thankfully, nothing of that sort happened.

 I looked at myself in the mirror. Damn! I was so right in my prediction last night that I won’t be able to sleep properly.  My mind was constantly revolving around the intimate moments between Drake & me. I don’t understand how I lost myself in him. Instead of pushing him away, I let him come close to me. Why? Drake is the one who had completely ruined my first day at school. He is the one who is only interested in making my life as difficult as possible. I just can’t stand him for more than a split-second, then why did I reciprocate his actions last night?

And now, he doesn’t remember anything that happened between us. And even though I very well knew in advance that this was evident, still it is piercing me ever so hurtfully....

My head feels heavy. I guess I am over thinking this entire matter. I should just forget about this whole damn thing. Yes, That’s right!

I had just walked out of the washroom when I came face to face with Laura.

“Good I found you here.” she said, “My final advertisement is ready! Want to show it to you & Soph.”

She smiled widely.

“Wow! That’s cool. Lets go!” I said.


“Whoa! That’s one heck of an awesome job!” Soph exclaimed after we watched the AD in the laptop.

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