-8- Final chapter

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Jungkook's POV

-1 month later-

Today's my babies last day with me until he's moving to another agency in the USA.. california to be exact.. He's getting more modeling lessons and I have to stay here for my agency..

He'll be gone for more than a year, of course I'll always visit him when I can, but lately work has been so tight and it's breaking me that I can't spent so much time with him. I love him, he's my life.. When he gets back I'm thinking of proposing.

I never thought I'd be so attached so someone, such a cute, sweet, beautiful, and amazing someone.. He brings me joy, he makes me happy. He makes me want to jump in the air yelling I fucking love you Kim Taehyung a kazillion times. Fuck it, I did it before.

He'll also be getting singing lessons and dance lessons because he wants to audition for some idol things. I want to audition with him. I want to be there to protect him and be there for him, but I can't just stop my job.

I lied earlier also.. It's the last NIGHT until he leaves tomorrow morning at 6am. He's going to get there by the time it's night so it'd be pretty weird for him to get the time used too. It'll be really hard to talk speaking we'll be so far away, our timezones are 13 hours apart.

All I wanted was to spent my life with him and never have to leave him out of my embrace.. Today I have to fulfill my fear and let him go.. let him fulfill his dreams, he deserves it. His best friend yoongi will be going with him so I'm not as scared. That guy stays up late so It'll be nice to keep in contact.

I have to take care of his dog which I'm terrified for since I'm horrible at taking care of animals. 4 years without him.. Longer than we've even been dating for.. Ugh, I can't bare to get up even thought I have to take a large ass piss. Tmi..? Sorry.

I just want to stay here cuddling his beautiful body, looking at that flushed bright pink soft face with his little bread cheeks. I can't let go.. I don't want to let go..

I love you baby..
I love you so much..

- Jungkook falls asleep thinking about everything they've done in the past and how much they've spent together in just 3 months-

- The next morning -

I woke up to a vicious shaking and whining saying 'Daddy! Daddyyyy!!! Wake upp!! I need you to drive me to the airporrtttt!!!'

My eyes shot open as I got up quickly grabbing my coat and picking up his bags and suit cases.

"Baby lets go.. "

Taehyung nodded quickly running out the door, in the car before I could even finish. That boy.. Fast one.. I chuckle to myself walking out the door, and packing every bag into the trunk and back seat. Then I make sure his seat belts secure and locked in, pushing the keys in the keyhold, pushing down the stick shift, pulling out of the drive way making my way to the airport.

We were non stop talking, back and fourth about how much I'll miss him and the whole trip. He's so excited, I'll miss him so much..

We finally arrived to the airport, us both getting out and me helping him unpack the bags out of the trunk and him being able to handle it all. I'm so proud of him..

"Baby I'll miss you so much.. You don't even know how much I'll miss you.."

I went up to him hugging him tightly, holding him like it's the last time I'll ever see him. He's so precious and ama-

"Daddy the time will go back so fast you won't even know.. I'll be home before you know it! Once I'm back we will do EVVVERRYYTHINNGG we could possibly do one day. This is my dream, I want this for me. You want this for me. We'll be together no matter what, separated or n-"

I cut him off by gripping onto his waist and slamming my lips on his, moving my hands up to the side of his face cupping his cheeks lightly rubbing my thumb on them, light tears falling out of him and my eyes.

I carefully let go as we both rub eachothers tears away, saying one last I love you before he goes into the airport..

It's official.. He's gone for now..

Ugh what Kind of life will I have after this? Is it even possible to live without him..?


Thank you all for so much support on this story, It's a sad ending but there will be another book to it. It'll be more of a texting style, and a lot of things will be released in that story that you never knew or expect would ever happen. It's sad watching me just end this story but I'm proud of it for getting so big, Thank you everyone for supporting this. The official end of this Book.

Name change, bio change.

ending change

author out.

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