Roses Surprise

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Roses POV

Last night was.. I don't even know how to describe it. It was everything I thought it would be. I don't even know how many times I have imagined that happening and now that it finally did.. Woah.

I got out of the bed and threw on some clothes. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and quickly brushed my teeth.

As soon as I started walking down the stairs I smelt food.

"Patrick Kane are you making me breakfast?" I asked walking into the kitchen smiling.

"Of course Rose Hill," He said kissing me on the lips sweetly.

"I love you," I said resting my forehead against his.

"As do I love you," He said kissing my nose this time.

I giggled and sat down at the table.

"I'm taking you to my place today," I said grabbing a plate that was already set out.

"Sounds good to me," Pat said placing the food onto my plate.

I took a bite and it tasted amazing.

"Mmm," I said while chewing my food.

"Thats what I was saying last night," He winked.

"Patrickkkk," I said blushing and turning away.

'There is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about! You are freaking perfect," He said pulling me in for a kiss.

He lifted me out of my chair and sat me down on the counter not breaking the contact. He deepened the kiss swiping his tounge across my bottom lip asking for entrance.

"Babe," I said pulling away and looking in his eyes. "Lets get ready. I have something to show you remember?"

"Ughhhh," Patrick whined lifting my off the countertop.

"If you keep whining you're not gonna get any later," I winked running up the stairs.

"Noooo," He said running after me.


After I got in the shower and got dressed it was around lunch time and since someone didn't let me eat my breakfast and it was now cold I decided that we should probably get something to eat.

"When do I get to see your surprise?!" Patrick whined while we went through the drive thru of Wendy's.

"When it gets dark outside," I said while paying for the food we just ordered.

"Why do long?" He asked while grabbing the bags and instantly grabbing a sandwich.

"Because that's the only time I will be able to do it, duh." I said taking a sip of my drink.

"You are so difficult ugh," he said rolling his eyes and taking another bite.

"That really sucks," I said amused by his reaction.

"Yeah it does!" He said huffing.

"Excuse me?" a girl said coming up to the window.

"Yes?" Patrick said confused.

"Are you Patrick Kane?"


"Why yes I am. I hope you don't mind but I am trying to have a nice day out with my lovely girl friend and I would really like a little privacy," He said kindly but to make sure he got the point across.

"Oh yeah. Forgot about that puck slut. Totally has a thing for you AND Jonny," She said rolling her eyes and walking away.

I felt the tears well up in my eyes but I knew I wasn't going to let them out. You are strong Rose. Strong.

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