The Parents

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Happy Birthday! Actually I'm really not sure whos birthday it is but its someones! This surprise update is in honor of frankieness because she kept commenting under my chapterd and it made me happy so thank her. Surprise!

The game ended and it was time to go to the party after. The Blackhawks didn't win but it was a close game so they were content.

"Hey princess," Patrick said coming up to me in all his gear still.

"Have I told you how sexy you look like this?" I asked biting my lip.

"Now you have. You're going to be teasing me all night and you're gonna drive me crazy," Patrick said leaning in to give me a kiss.

I kissed his lips lightly enjoying the moment. I mean who else can say that they kiss Patrick Kane EVERY day?

"Now you're gonna be all lovey. Make up your mind babe. Well I mean I'm getting some tonight either way because you have teased me way too much already. Do you know how hard it is to play with a fucking boner? HARD. (No pun intended lol)" He said giving a chuckle.

"Go get changed so we can party then go back to your place," I said giving him a wink.

"Yes ma'am," He said giving me one more kiss before going back to the locker room.


"You ready?" Patrick said after the party was over. He didn't get too drunk.. for once.

"Yeah," I said getting a little bit excited. This is what I have been waiting for literally all night.

I grabbed my stuff and said goodbye to the remaining people a little to happily.

"A little bit eager baby?" Patrick asked laughing a bit as he came close to me and brought his hand down to my area but so that no one else can see.

"Fuck , Pat. Can we go?" I asked biting my lip and closing my eyes.

"Hell yes. I need you right now," He said grabbing my hand and practically dragging me outside the party.

We didn't really think this through. There were reporters everywhere.

"Patrick this is your girlfriend?" One reporter asked.

"Obviously yes. She's my girlfriend and will one day become my wife," He said smiling at me.

What a dork.

"Any plans in the near future?" Another one asked.

"Not sure. Now excuse us. We have to be getting home now," He said pushing his way through the crowd.

We got in the car and Patrick pulled out successfully not hitting any reporters while trying to do that.

"That party was fun," I said smiling at him. "Thank you."

"No problem. It would have been so completely boring without you there though," He said grabbing my hand and holding it.

"No it wouldn't have. You had like every other girl fawning over you," I said laughing. It was true but it didn't bug me because I had him. He was mine.

"But every girl isn't you," He said smiling more to himself than me.

"Well aren't you lucky then," I said biting my lip and looking away.

"Very much so. Glad that you know it as well so that just in case I don't realize it sometimes you can put me in check," He said winking at me.

"Of course." I said giving a little giggle.

The Next Day

"Rose!" Patrick yelled.

"I'm sleeping," I yelled back. I didn't even know where he was. We had a very.... interesting night yesterday.

"You got to pack your bags," He said walking into the room all dressed up.

"Why? Where are we going?" I asked clearly confused. The boys were about to be heading into the first round of the Play-Offs so I have no idea why we are going anywhere.

"It's sort of a surprise but i'll tell you once we get on the plane, let's go!" He said snatching the blankets away from me.

"Patrickkkkk," I whined getting up.

"We'll go get some coffee," He said winking at me.

"We better because I'm gonna need it," I mumbled to myself as I got out of bed.


"So where are we going?" I asked Patrick as they seated us on the plane.

"We are going to meet my parents!" Patrick said excitedly.

I choked on the coffee I had in my mouth.

"WHAT?!" I yelled. I was NOT ready to meet his parents! What if they don't like me?!

"You are making me scared now with your facial expressions," He said giving me a scared face.

"You should be terrified," I said running a hand through my hair and then hitting him in the arm.

"OW!" He said rubbing his arm.

"Well, what if they don't like me?!" I said putting my head in my hands.

"Baby, they're going to love you. I promise," He said reassuringly.

"I fucking hope so," I said as I put my headphones in trying to distract myself.

*New Text Message*

From: Jonathan(:

Hey bud! I heard Patrick's taking you to see the rents. You'll be fine I promise!

To: Jonathan(:

Jonny! What am I supposed to do?!

From: Jonathan(:

Just calm down. You will be fine. It's hard for anyone not to love you. I mean DAT ASS (;

To: Jonathan(:

I'm gonna punch you. I'm freaking out and here you are talking about my ass. Typical Jonathan Toews.

From: Jonathan(:

Sorry, sorry. But you'll be fine bud. Just take an easy, calm down, and everything will end up great. Promise.

To: Jonathan(:

Okay. Thanks Jon. Text you later. Love you. xx

I clicked the lock button on my phone and rested my head on Patrick's shoulder.

"You'll be fine. I promise. There is absolutely nothing you have to worry about. I mean we have been seeing each other for a while now. There really isn't anything they can say that will make me change my mind about you," He said kissing my forehead before resting his head on top of mine.

"Whatever you say, Pat. Whatever you say," I said letting out a big yawn.

"Get some sleep. They are gonna want to get to know you so you need all the energy you can get. Trust me. They can get a little bit crazy," Patrick said laughing.

"Wow, that helps," I said rolling my eyes.

"Sorry love,"He said as I faded into the darkness.

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