Oh No

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A/N: Hey guys! So I decided that I was gonna wait an extra week to get all the entrys and let me tell you, THERE WERE A LOT! I wanted to do all of you but I can only pick one! So finally...the winner of the contest is.......


Congratz! You aren't gonna be in the story for a while still but you will eventually be incorporated. Thanks everyone who entered!

Roses POV
"Do you like Patrick?" I heard Jonathan ask.

What am I gonna say? Do I like Patrick? I don't even know myself. Just say that.

"I don't know," I said looking away from him.

"Are you just saying that or you really don't know? Because you are supposed to tell your bestfriend the truth you know," He said looking at me.

"I really don't know Jonny. I think I may but I'm not 100% sure. I mean hes SUPER cute but like so are you and I don't think of you that way," I said to him.

"Yeah I get where you are coming from. He told me the same thing about you," He said pushing his plate to the side because he was done.

"You ready to go?" I asked changing the subject. I really didn't want to talk about this any longer.

"Yeah, sure," He said.

I got out my wallet and he took it from me and put it in his back pocke.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You aren't paying. I have already told you this," He said chuckling.

"Ugh you are so difficult," I said rolling my eyes.

He payed and we were on his way.

"Wanna come back to my place? We can hang out and watch movies and stuff," He said smiling.

"Sure!" I said excited.

It was a short drive back to his house but when we got there I was in awe.

"Oh my god your house is beautiful!" I said looking around.

"Thank you," He said.

He led me inside his house where we found Kane sitting on the couch.

"There you are! I have been waiting to come get my wall- oh hey Rose," Kane said looking down.

"Here you go Kaner." Jonathan said tossing him his wallet.

"Can I have mine back now? Oh and hi Patrick," I said smiling at him and holding my hand out for my wallet.

"Only if you can catch me!" He said running up the first flight of stairs he seen.

"How childish," I said giggling.

"Want some help? I know my way around this house a lot better than you do," Kaner said laughing a bit.

"I would love some help!" I said giggling.

We both ran up the stairs and entered the first door we saw.

"Jonathan!" We both yelled all around the house.

"I know exactly what will make him budge!" Kaner said going to a room that was apparently Jonnys.

He grabbed a trophy out of the big case and walked back out of the room.

'Hey Jonny! We have one of your precious trophies. You are gonna have to come find us to get it!" He said then started running down the hall.

"Wait Kaner! Wait for me!" I whispered as I tried to follow him.

He zoomed down the stairs and into a door that I guess was a supply closet. I went in after him and let me tell you, this closet was SMALL.

"Sorry for being so squished with you," He whispered looking down on me.

I looked up at him and our lips were centimeters apart. I looked into his eyes then down to his lips.

"There you go again looking at my lips," He said biting his lip.

I stood on my tippy toes so that I was eye level he started leaning in when Jonathan swung open the door.

We quickly pulled away before he could suspect anything going on.

"My trophy!" He yelled grabbing it and handing me my wallet. He started kissing it like it was a baby and then ran back up the stairs.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Kaner asked pulling me towards the couch.

"Sure, what movie?" I asked biting my lip.

"Don't do that and JONATHAN! WHAT MOVIE DO YOU WANT TO WATCH?!" He yelled so that Jonathan could here him.

"Do what?" I asked as Jonathan yelled down the stairs a scary movie.

"Bite your lip," He said putting in Texas Chainsaw.

The previews started playing as Jonny came back down the stairs.

"What we watching?" He asked sitting on my left side.

"Texas Chainsaw," Patrick said sitting next to me on my right side.

"I hate scary movies!" I said hiding behing Jonny. "Bestfriend save me!"

"You will face your fears little one!" He said making sure I couldn't hide behind him.

"Fine! I will just hide behind Patrick! Patty save me!" I yelled hiding behind him.

He put his arm around me so I could hide into his shoulder.

"At least Patrick loves me!" I said sticking out my toungue to Jonny.

"Don't make me take your wallet back!" He said laughing nudging me.

"You're just gonna let him do that to me Patrick?" I said giggling.

"Did you just giggle?" He asked smiling.

"Um, movies coming on!" I said changing the subject.

When every scary part came on I'd snuggle up to Pat and he would rub my back reassuring me that I was okay.

When the movie was over Jonny had fallen asleep.

"I guess the movie was boring to him!" I said laughing. "Could you take me home?"

"Of course. Lets go," He said grabbing my hand intertwining our fingers.

My stomach had butterflies in it. Okay maybe I liked Patrick a little.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me as we walked to his car.

"You," I said looking at the ground watching my feet.

"Oh you mean how sexy I am?" He said nudging me.

"Defnitely. Do you wanna go get some icecream?" I asked. "I know a really good place not too far from here."

"i would love to," He said heading to the driver side of the car letting go of my hand.

It took us about 5 minutes to get to the icecream shop.

I walked in and ordered what I wanted. It took Patrick a while but he finally decided and we sat down at a table.


I turned my head to see who was calling me. It was the person whos voice I never wanted to hear ever again in my entire life.

It was Landon.

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