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" phana ? " both tay and new exclaim, " mae call me here " phana said.

" mae did u call him to talk about new " siana nodded.

" aunt , what happened to new "

" phana they said, he is....preg...." phana was moving his leg here and there in what to do way.

" phana don't te-tell me , u knew th-this before too...." phana slightly nodded.

" why didn't u tell me ! Phana atleast u would have told me before them "

" siana aunt , new said he will tell slowly slowly so , and if u want the real answer , then it is true...." a minute of silence.

" new looking at feet , doesn't suit u. I said before na ? I will support both of u "

" does pa like these thing's " new said , slightly.

" he love new , why u always worry about useless thing's. he doesn't hurt people " tay said. Tay rubbed his forehead.

" tay don't be angry over new , ofcourse he will be worry about our decision "

" mae khab.... can i rest " when siana nodded new didn't wait a minute before running inside. " new " Tay ran behind him

" phana now tell me all the thing's which r left to "

" aunt , one month is going to be over , because of his anxiety he didn't check neither , told anyone "......

🍂🍂inside the room 🍂🍂

" new , I'm sorry i didn't mean to say like that "

" te....no u r right i worry about small thing's going around....i want to rest "

" new please stop this , i didn't mean to say that, u know whenever i did mistake in the beggining of being ceo , dad never scold me. He always said , i will do better if i tried. "

" then what te ! U know i m not a normal human atleast i thought u will understand me ! How will i not worr---"

" i understand u new , i know u very well . I didn't mean to say like that I'm sorry , please stop crying, in this time u shouldn't do like this "

" i will stay the rest of the 8 month's in hospital ! And will not think anything too , i will come later bringing ur child with me "
By saying that new stood up when tay held his arm.

" please stop , i can't live like that I'm sorry I'm very sorry for saying like that , new leave with me "

" but te if i stay here i will worry about useless thing's for sure, and i don't want that , it is better i stay in hospital. I can stay at my appartment too but not with u , i will sure come back ur child--"

" for sake new ! That is not my child only , u r not hurting me u r hurting urself too ! "

" then ! I'm not a normal human te....not a normal human...." new broke in tears in bed.

" I'm sorry , don't cry , i was just trying to say that , don't stress too much about other thing's, either it will effect u and baby too " tay embrace new and hugged him , new hugged him back too.

" even one day is too much for me u leaving me 8 month's i can't. Before baby u r the one i want new , if we have got our luck baby can happen next time too but u being with me is important " tay continued

" u know i got interest in u at the first day. When we came up to this , parents behind us is the best day I'm leaving , i m so happy also when u say about the baby i was in cloud mode , i never meant to hurt u with my words " when tay looked down new was sleeping. Tay chuckled.

kitty 🐱: M-preg 🙊(completed ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now