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" now tell me what happened " -mae

" mae new....."

" what happen tell fast where is new "

" new ran away to walk in a hot coal "

" what ?! What r u saying stop playing around "

" I'm not playing around mae he....did be-because he wanted to be a normal human ! And betraying me he ran away to lose his powers "

" what powers , what betrayal what r u saying " pa also came. " now only u can handle ur son listen na what what he is saying " mae said to pa.

" what happen what did he say and also where is babies papa " he came and sat in bed too and eyed babies smiling.

" I'm saying truth he is not a normal human and now I'm not able to think what is he doing "

" if new is not a normal human then what is he ? And where is he " - pa

" he is a cat ! Not a normal human....not a no-normal human " tay rubbed his forehead not to think more and trying to stop the tears. Their eyes widened, they thought if tay is lying he will not cry like this.

" and don't u know the place he went in " - mae   :     " if i knew i would go before ahead ! New....! Where r u " tay was lost now.

" son be quiet , babies r sleeping " - pa

" but new..... i even check the contact he deleted the voice talk also call a numerous people to not to create suspense. Or i will come in middle and stop him.

He told he has call one person to be there if he is in unconditional way and in a hot coal he have to wa-walk for 5 hours..

one and half hour's is left. The person must be there. But i have not--" tay phone rang first he didn't pick up then later mae told that can be the person and without seeing the number he pick it up.


" phana how is new " phana was immediately shower with question when he came out.

" his face is pale  and his legs r swollen. His body is so much weak. I have gave him medicine to sleep so that he will not feel any pain. When he wake up u can meet him  but tay u seems like u r going to be sick too  u can eat up to that he will wake up too "

" what if he don't wake up in that time too , he is laying there and u said me to eat how willl i  "

" tay i don't mean like that i promise u if something happen i will take responsibility  now u eat i will immediately inform u after he wake up " tay slightly nodded.

" u can sit in my office i will tell them to send u food in that i will check u too  " tay slightly nodded.

" yeah ! Phana u can go i will make him eat something " off came and said to phana they both hugged. " after long time off , make him eat something. I will go and check new "

" phana can i see new "

" no tay after he wake up then u meet with him " phana left. " tay let's go in phana office he will come later to check u in that time i will say u what new said " tay nodded.


Off started.  " u see in the morning new planned this. I said him that i will not be in this plan ,  i will tell u but he gave me promise of our bestfriend.

kitty 🐱: M-preg 🙊(completed ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now