Chapter 9- Springttime

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(Super quick update just to let you all know I'm still working on this and am very busy but check back frequently for more updates!)

There was another party being held this night, and ironically enough Caledra was being forced to attend the very thing that had gotten her into this mess in the beginning. When Thranduil had announced to her that she would be required to attend, her jaw had practically dropped in surprise. He made it very clear how grateful she should be to be allowed to go to such an event, and should feel even more honored to be the one to fetch his drinks and hold his staff for him throughout the evening. She wasn't sure how she felt about this, but grateful and honored were definitely not the words she would pick.

However she was quite pleased to have a night that varied from all the others, her schedule had grown very repetitive through her time as the Kings dog, and she grew more and more antsy everyday to do something spontaneous and new. The King however would have none of that, for reasons besides his own superiority complex. He followed a rigid agenda which she had grown accustomed to and memorized by this time. He was not the flexible type she had learned, and kept his appointments punctual. She had hardly met anyone who cared about schedules of any kind, but then again she had hardly met anyone nearly as busy as the King. Although she felt this odd behavior was more than just for staying organized, she felt as though it was a reflection on his character as well.

And his actions were beginning to rub off on her as well, annoyingly. Despite her rebellious nature and tendency to disobey whatever rule he set forth, she was becoming more and more proper everyday, whether she chose to acknowledge it or not. Her posture was a bit straighter, her hands clasped in front of her as she strode at a brisk pace. Honestly, it was a bit irksome to see how much of an effect he had on her. She didn't like that much. If one person could have that much of an impact on your personality, no matter how subtle, how do you know who you are? Are you just a combination of all the influences others have put on you?

And it was theoretical and philosophical quandaries like these that kept her sane on days like today.

"If you wish to be on time for the party, we have to leave." Caledra said patiently by the door, glaring flatly at the King who inspected himself in a small mirror.

"Hush." He snapped as usual, but rising and moving to the door. "As the host, the party does not officially begin until I arrive. How silly of me to expect someone as yourself to know that." He said in his light, mocking voice.

Caledra stared crossly at him. "Indeed. Almost as silly as that ridiculous crown you're wearing." Rather than wearing his typical, branch-and-berry adorned crown, he wore one more fitted to the spring (as now was the time) with flower buds beginning to bloom on it. It wasn't bad looking, she had just noticed him fussing with it earlier.

Thranduil steeled his jaw, eyebrow raised as he slowly smirked. "Ah, nín mûl, I have been much to lenient with you lately it seems." He stepped close to her, causing her breath to catch in her throat as their bodies touched. She looked straight ahead, into his chest, not daring herself to look up at his face. "You're quite rude to me, and that is no way to treat your king. You leave me no other option but to punish you," he said, and the way his voice rumbled from the bottom of his throat resonating into her ears made her feel weak, it was so enticing. Suddenly his hand was in front of her face, knuckles poised with a ring in front of her mouth. He grinned smugly as she kissed it quickly. He laughed, leaning down and biting her earlobe sharply before striding out of the room, his whisper giving her chills as she slowly followed.

"Yes, save your silver tongue for later, nín mûl, there are much better uses for it..."

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