Chapter 10- Deja Vu

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Thranduil shook his glass in the air for about the fifth time that evening, demanding yet another refill. Caledra, already exhausted from his constant requests refilled it slowly, trying to see how far she could push him. Unfortunately, the King was preoccupied it seemed and her slow work which would typically earn her a tongue lashing went unnoticed. She sighed, stepping back behind his grand chair at the dining table and holding his staff dutifully. Although she was the King's dog, it wasn't as awful as she had imagined. At least he wasn't talking to her.

She watched the elves laugh and dance and drink around her, carousing through the superfluous hall in good cheer. It seemed everyone was having a merry time, and she herself wasn't in bad spirits either. The strings and chords of music and soft murmurings throughout the hall were enough to keep her sane and calm. Thranduil himself was keeping very occupied, and seemed to hold attention over the entire room. The atmosphere around him was so thick, only those strong willed enough could muscle the courage to talk to him. She supposed this minimized unnecessary interactions. He wasn't the type to want to talk to just anyone. Even so, elves of stature went up to speak with him, some to show respect and others to discuss business. This was all protocol of course and Caledra could at least listen in to what they were discussing. Some of it was interesting while others mere rumors and gossip.

Numerous times through the night the King would glance back at her, eyes growing sharp and curious as they inspected her. Each time they would move away unsatisfied, and demand something else of her. But as much as fetching drinks or moving chairs was a tedious task, Caledra hid her annoyance from him, knowing very well that's what he was after.

You see, she had learned what kind of man the King truly was. He was harsh and calm. He enjoyed the luxurious lifestyle he lived. But he was bored, and bothered by life. And Caledra was something he hadn't known about. The complete opposite lifestyle and personality from his own. When he was icy and cruel, she was fiery and cross. And this vexed him. This game he played with her, was simply to break her, make her bow to him. But on her own free will, she would not do that or give him any damn satisfaction. And so she hid her annoyance behind a passive face and clasped hands.

And as Caledra realized this, it dawned on her that by her simply obeying him she was giving in. And, with no rational thought, she slipped the half drunk bottle of wine in the sleeve of her dress and slowly tiptoed away, until she became lost in the crowd.


Caledra brought the bottle up to her lips, taking another swig from the wine as she leaned over the balcony railing. She sighed, breathing in the scent of the night. It had been awhile since she had so much as seen the sky in full, so long since she had smelt fresh rain and morning dew. All she knew now was the scent of bath soaps and fresh parchment. It was odd, how quickly her life had changed. She gazed up at the moon, smiling to herself as she sighed.

"I wonder where all those scars came from..." She whispered, hand cupping her cheek as she leaned against the railing lazily, downing the last of her drink.

"That was the last bottle of that wine." Came an annoyed voice behind her. She recognized it instantly, and she snorted, spitting out what was in her mouth from surprise. Thranduil looked down at her, disgust on his face as she coughed, glaring at him. "A liar, a thief, a commoner, a slave," he tsked, "and now a drunk. Your list of undesirable traits continues to astound me."

Caledra narrowed her eyes at him. Why did he have to follow her. He could get any servant to do anything for him, but no. She was about to open her mouth to speak, but he cut her off.

"What scars?" He asked, surprising her. She gulped, knowing he was going to simply make her feel bad but deciding to speak anyway.

"On the moon," she pointed, "the darker patches on it... It was probably whole and pure before, but now it's all splotchy and broken," she said, waiting for him to laugh. When he didn't, she continued in a small voice, "I was just wondering what could have made something that grand and magical hurt so bad."

He didn't reply immediately and Caledra could feel almost every muscle in her body tense up, waiting for a cruel comment. Instead, he finally spoke, voice unnaturally soft, "It is rather unsightly the closer you look, isn't it?" He said, staring off at it, as though he were looking into a different world.

"It's not perfect, but I think I prefer it this way," Caledra said, the corner of her mouth turned up.

"And why would that be?"

"It gives it character. I can't imagine it any different, and besides," Caledra said, turning and making eye contact with him suddenly. "At least you can tell that it's been hurt. Not everything leaves a physical scar, and it's certainly easier to read than most people." She said, still making eye contact with him.

Thranduil met her gaze steadily, and they stood like that for what seemed like an eternity in that moment. His eyes were cold, hard, and more calculating than she had ever seen, and it took all her willpower to not break away.

"This party is over," he said suddenly, turning around. "Show deference for your Lord by escorting me back to my chambers," he said, voice dropping dangerously low as he leaned down to her ear, "I have many more orders for you until the night ends, nín mûl..."

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