Chapter 4- The Arrangement

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"So, care to explain to me why we're in here!" Auric yelled from a cell over. Caledra rubbed her forehead, still trying to comprehend how she could have been this stupid. "How did they find out! You said they wouldn't find out!" He said beginning to get frantic as he ran his fingers through his hair repeatedly.

"Yeah, I did, but I made a mistake," Caledra said quietly, telling Auric about everything that had happened.

"You failed to recognize our own king!" Auric exclaimed.

Caledra snorted. "Have you ever seen him personally before? I surely haven't." Auric paused, scratching his head as though searching for a memory.

"I... Guess I haven't. Which is quite odd, I mean, he's our king! But I suppose for him to make an appearance to the docks or to any lowly Silvans would be rare," Auric contemplated out loud. "What now? Did they say anything else?"

"No clue," Caledra yawned, leaning against the wall. "Not that I heard. I suppose we'll just have to wait it out until he summons us, I would think." They sat in silence after that, lost in thought of what was to come.

Caledra dozed in and out of sleep, too anxious to completely fall asleep but too exhausted to want to stay conscious. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of waiting, two guards came and escorted them both upwards to the throne room. It was odd that they climbed the same staircase excitedly nights before, and now they climbed in fear.

When they reached the top, Thranduil was just as he was before, except he looked even more elegant atop his throne. Draped over the antler throne was a cloak made of the most lush fabric she could imagine, and she suddenly felt very self conscious as she looked down at her own old clothing and hands. Auric dropped into a quick bow and Caledra quickly followed, rising again slowly as the king stared at them both for a long while before slowly opening his mouth to speak. Getting off his throne and walking over to them, he began to circle them as he spoke.

"Burglary. Theft. Trespassing. In one night you have committed more crimes against your people than many have in their lifetime. If I was a cruel king I would send you to the dungeon to rot, however," he said, pausing at Caledra's side. She dared not turn and face him as he came closer to her ear, softly saying the last sentence. "I find it a pity to waste any elvish blood. Have you anything at all to say for yourself?" He said, voice slow and precise, articulating every word as he turned back to his throne.

Auric was speechless and stuttered, trying to find something to say. However, Caledra was quicker. "I don't see what we did wrong." This stopped him in his tracks as he slowly turned around to face her.

"And why is that?"

"Because we did all the work!" Caledra cried out, unable to contain it anymore. "Us low class elves are the backbone to your entire kingdom. The servants, the laborers, the shopkeepers, all of us! Yet you only acknowledge those with noble blood who laze about all day! All we wanted was an opportunity to enjoy ourselves for a few mere hours!"

He had glided over to her quickly, and bent down, having to lean to become eye level with her. She was by no means short, but he was so tall. She gulped, trying to meet his icy gaze that was now mere inches away, the calculating expression on his face chilling her to the bone as she felt her skin pale. By the heavens though, this close she could make out all of his features even more perfectly. His cheekbones, lips, eyebrows, everything. Being questioned by anyone in authority in this situation was nerve racking, never mind when the one doing it was someone this flawless.

"Let us allow you to take matters into your own hands then," he whispered forebodingly, waving his hand as he turned around again as the guards seized her and Auric. "You both are hereby banished from the woodland realm. Live out your days as exiles,"

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