Chapter 7- Evening

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Caledra jumped back from the bath, awkwardly moving forward as Thranduil entered the room. He eyed her, head held up high as she gulped nervously. He always did that, she thought, held his head at that angle so he was, indeed, looking down his nose at you.

"How rude. To not even acknowledge my presence, and to snoop about my private quarters," he clicked his tongue, tsking quietly, his voice almost echoing in the big, empty room.

Caledra's face flushed scarlet as she rigidly bowed. "I have been in here for hours; forgive me if I grew tired of waiting." She said trying to control her temper.

He laughed and moved in front of her as she came up from the bow. "So you grew impatient, waiting for your king to return?"

Caledra didn't really like the sound of that, as though it was both her choice to wait for him and that she somehow wanted to see him, but she guessed he was correct even if he was twisting his words. "I suppose you could say it that way; I'm not a very patient person," she admitted looking up at him. She was reminded of that night at the party, where they had conversed and he had seemed like a mysterious intellect, one that she could dream about as she toiled away. And now here she was, stuck in the trap she had sprung by herself.

He chuckled and she found herself averting her eyes to her feet, unable to make eye contact with him. "The more I learn about you," he said, leaning down, his mouth next to her ear, "the more I dislike you."

Caledra opened her mouth to defend herself but found nothing to say as he came back up to his full stature. She cleared her throat, crossing her arms over her chest as she tried to remain defiant and dignified. "Likewise. If you dislike me so, perhaps it would be best to let me return to my normal life?"

He laughed sharply at this as though this was an amusing thought. "Oh, nín mûl, you really are as simple and unambitious as I had thought," he said, grabbing her chin roughly and forcing her to look at him. "Look at me and understand. The more broken you are, the more of a challenge you present to me. I will fix you. I am a King and a conquerer; and nothing has ever bested me. I will salvage something useful out of you."

Caledra shivered from the way his voice rang through the room, her whole body growing tense as she stared up at those blue-grey eyes. They were like a storm at the edges of a summers day, uncontainable.

"And know this, nín mûl. I have watched and observed everything you have done in my presence carefully since I have met you and will continue to do so. I have already learned things about your personality from deduction alone. And I will use all I know against you until you kneel at my feet with utmost joy."

"You will have to wait a long time for that, my King." Caledra said coldly, her stubbornness getting the best of her. He smirked, his thumb settling over her lips and closing them, causing her to contain a gasp as her heart picked up.

"We are immortal; and unlike you, I am patient. Do not question my will. Instead, think of your own. I will break you someday."

He turned after that to the far side of the room, motioning for Caledra to follow. She reluctantly trailed after him, pondering on all he had just said. She did believe she had just accepted a challenge, in some way. Her thoughts were pushed aside as the King stopped, facing her as he closed his eyes, arms sticking straight out at his sides.

Caledra blinked, a small grin growing on her lips at how ridiculous he looked standing like that. What in the heavens was he doing? She contained her laughter for a moment, only to let a snort out as one of his eyes opened, glaring at her harshly. She quieted but couldn't wipe the damn smirk off her face to his distaste. He closed his eye again.

"Are you waiting for a command, dog? Unclothe me."

Caledra coughed, spluttering unintelligible words as she comprehended what he had just said. "W-what?"

"Are you deaf as well as simple? Unclothe me."

Realizing her was indeed serious, her face turned bright red as she slowly stepped up to him. She took a deep breath, suddenly intimidated to even touch him. Reaching out a shaky hand to his chest, she quickly unclipped the beautifully crafted broach that held his robe together. She gently placed it down on a nearby table, gulping as she looked back at him. Caledra could not lie to herself. Physically, she was attracted to him beyond belief and would revel in an opportunity such as this. But this was a mind game, a way for him to make herself uncomfortable. I can't let him know that this effects me at all, she thought, moving back to him. Otherwise he wins.

She cleared her throat, gaining her composure as she opened the front of the silvery robe, sliding it off his arms and folding it neatly next to the broach. She marveled at the material it was made of. It was leathery textured but somehow softer, smoother. He suddenly bent down, motioning for her to remove his crown. She slowly lifted it off his head, her fingers brushing his silky hair. By the Gods she would love to brush it, to run her fingers through it... She pulled her thoughts away from his hair and instead focused on the crown, placing it down next to the broach. As he rose he settled onto the edge of the bed, holding his left leg out to her as he opened his eyes. She bit her lip, not liking him watching her as she hastily slid his boots off. No words were spoken as he eyed her, head tilted as she placed the boots by his clothing. He rose again and to her dismay did not close his eyes, instead continuing to watch her as she tentatively eyed his tunic, unsure if she should continue.

He raised his eyebrows after a long moment and she quickly averted her eyes, reaching for his tunic as she pulled it over his head, his arms sliding out. Caledra had never blushed as hard as she had in the moment, removing the shirt and trying her hardest not to glance at his bare torso. But by the Heavens he was so perfect. He was even more muscled than he appeared to be. He was well built and toned, everything about him spelled perfection. His shoulders, his arms, the way his blonde hair draped over his finely toned chest... She wished she had the privilege to stare at him longer, taking in his beauty. She gulped, realizing he was still staring at her. Bowing, she turned to take her leave. His voice stopped her, however, and both her worst fear and greatest desire was confirmed.

"Nín mûl, you are not finished." He said, motioning to his trousers and smirking at the noticeable blush that covered Caledra's face as she tried to look at him, which was growing increasingly difficult with the less clothing he was wearing.

"I had assumed it was not fitting for a servant to see her master like this." Caledra muttered, trying on her best submissive voice.

"I had assumed it was not fitting for a servant to decide when she is done or not." He said dryly, smirking at her as she stared at him with as much animosity as she could muster. She moved as quickly as she could, undoing the buckle and pulling them down over his legs and onto the floor, not even looking at him as she threw them into the pile of clothing, not bothering to fold them. She grabbed the night robe that had been set out for the evening, stepping behind him and draping it over his shoulders, his arms naturally finding their place in the sleeves. He sniffed, pulling the sash that held it together.

"You are dismissed,"he said, seeming quite amused the the events of the evening. "Your chambers is down the hallway; see to that you are awake by dawn."

Caledra nodded, leaving the room as fast as she could and finding her chambers, not bothering to even look around as she climbed into the bed, exhausted.

The King of Starlight and Lullabies (Thranduil x OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now