Chapter 21- Boring

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The feast that evening was one of the finest all year. That should have been enough to put Thranduil in a good enough mood, had it not been for Caledra's lateness. His eyebrow twitched irritably as he took a sip from his chalice, the wines flavor lost on account of his sour mood. He glared at all those who began to approach him, signaling that now was not a good time. They immediately backed off, deciding that enjoying the evening was more of a priority to them than whatever buisness they may have had with the king. It was a good move on their part; for Thranduil had little patience to spend on frivolous inqueries tonight.

He cleared his throat, adjusting the clasps on his sleeves as he glanced at the doorway again. Of course, she was still no where to be seen. He steeled his jaw slightly in annoyance, but tried to pay attention to the feast, listening to the music and trying his best to enjoy himself.

Which was rather difficult when the most interesting thing to do at these events was to pester Caledra.

It was true. Had the years finally caught up to him? Was that why he was beginning to find his parties increasingly boring? He eyed a group of elves a little farther away from him, discussing economic changes in the east. No, he thought, letting out a huff. I havent gotten boring. The people have.

Everyone besides her.


The name played in his mind again and again, curving around the notes of music that floated through the air, playfully and innocuously capturing his attention with every move they made. His interest in the girl was starting to annoy him, quite frankly. She made everything else seem so dull, which was a problem when she wasm't around. Like right now. He glanced back at the door, tapping his cane on the ground a few times in agitation.

At this point the banquet was nearly halfway over. She wasn't simply late, he decided, frustration welling in his chest. She must have done this intentionally, probably to spite him for some reason.

Well, he thought, rising and striding across the room. She would regret this little game.

As he stalked out of the hall and down the magnificent staircase that looped around and around and around in great circles he paid little attention to the attendents and servants that scuttled back and forth, skittering out of his way quickly when they saw him towering above them. It would be odd for him to leave his own celebration early, but nothing that anyone would question him about. He was the king afterall, and who was to question his actions?

Well, heavens knows she would. He thought, Caledra's annoyed face popping into his head. She seemed to be the only one who treated him like a person and not a king; something that both fascinated him and occasionally irked him, such as right now. No one would dare stand up Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm. But Thranduil, King of Starlight and Lullabies? Forget about it. She had seen too much of his softness to be truly reverent of him anymore.

His boots clicked on the ground as he approached the door to her quarters, feeling his body automatically compose itself; afters of politics, pain, and passion, his body had decided that masking his emotions was a needed reflex. Although she had seen his barriers down on more than one occasion. 

He rapped hard on the bottom of her door with the end of his cane, loudly enough to draw attention from those nearby who sheepishly peeked out from the cracks of their doors, immediately closing them again when they realized who it was. Thranduil nor Caledra had spoken to any of the servants about her specific position in the palace; but they all knew she was of special interest to him.

He let out an impatient sigh, knocking harder. Even if she was sleeping this would surely wake her up. But as he continued to knock he heard no sign of movement inside the room. Suddenly he felt a heavy weight being placed on his shoulders as a feeling of unknown dread settled in his stomach.

He spun around, quickly ordering a servant to find someone who could open this blasted door as he paced outside anxiously. It was not befitting of a king to dote on a servant but he found himself unable to hold himself back from suddenly worrying about her.

After what seemed like a century the servant returned with a stocky elf, who held a keyring adorned with shining silver. He fiddled with the lock for a second, testing a few keys before it finally creaked open with a noticable click. Thranduil immediately entered the room which was dark at this point, with no candles lit the moonlight that streamed into the room was the only light available. He looked up at the window, noticing the breeze that was blowing through it, the panes propped open. He opened his mouth to speak, but found himself unable to, for if he did his voice would be but a whisper. The room was empty and Caledra's sword was missing from its rack in the corner. A piece of parchment hung from the window, waving in the wind. He snatched it up, crinkling it and tossing it over his shoulder as he read the single line written, sorry I couldn't make it.

He looked out the window into the dark forest beyond for a moment before spinning around and leaving the room in a rush, commanding servants to fetch his armor and steed.

Honestly. Why did I have to become infatuated with the most troublesome woman to ever exist?


(Authors note: hi everyone! So as you have probably guessed, I have been MIA for awhile. I have had really bad writers block and have had a difficult time to figure out where I want this story to go. Turning Thranduil from a harsh king who guards himself to avoid pain into someone whos willing to risk the hurt for love is a difficult task but I think i figured it out! This was a real short tidbit but i will continue! Thank you for your continued support despite my absence! It means the world!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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