Chapter 11- Softly

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The party cleared out almost immediately. After a public announcement on behalf of the King who was currently striding down the halls, Caledra tailing him close behind with his staff. Servants quickly emerged from seemingly no where to clean up glasses and plates, and all sorts of other leftover festivities.

He was annoyed.

She really is such a bother.

He glared at her out of the corner of his eyes at her. He smirked. Whenever she would see him staring, she would twitch, averting her gaze to her hands. It wasn't unlike her to be nervous around him, however her being so utterly... Submissive was something new. Typically she would put up some sort of fight, even if it was as simple as by meeting his gaze with defiant eyes. This new attitude was appealing in its own way however, and he picked up the pace as they rounded another corner.

He was unsettled because of her. Because of the stars and the moon, the way she thought she understood the world when she was only a mere child. It irked him that although that was true, her statements all held validity and were so much like his own ideals. How could someone so insignificant be able to even hold a conversation of some depth to it? It astounded him, as it seemed she had more intelligent things to say than half the high elves did.

He glanced at her again, clenching his teeth as she opened the door to his chambers.


Caledra's hands were shaking. She didn't know what she did but the King was acting more capricious than ever. One moment he would be smirking at her as she looked away, the next he was scowling into nothingness. She had absolutely no idea what was bothering him.

He moved near his bed, motioning to her to remove his clothing as she approached. She has learned to better control herself after doing this every night, and now didn't even have to hide a blush as she removed his shirt. She knew it was part of her job now, nothing more than that and him trying to antagonize her.

Tonight however was different than all the previous nights. There was a thick tension in the air and she hadn't the faintest idea why. She quickly finished her job, slid the silk night robe into his arms, and bowed. She turned to leave before he laughed.

"I believe that someone has gotten used to a routine. But I have not dismissed you." The King said, his voice the only sound filling the room besides the flow of water from the bath in the corner.

Caledra slowly turned around again, muscles clenching and face red at the sight before her now. He lay sprawled on the bed, propped up on a shoulder facing her, one leg folded up and one down. The sash around the robe was so loosely tied together she wasn't even sure if it qualified as a knot, and his bare chest clearly showed in the moonlight streaming through the window. She let out a breath she had been holding as she met his eyes, which shine with a mixture of contempt, vague interest, and mockery.

"W-What would you like of me?" She stuttered, averting her eyes to the window as she spoke.

"Stay here," he commanded strongly, until his voice suddenly grew uncharacteristically quiet "until I fall asleep. You are to leave immediately after."

Caledra, who had already prepared a sharp retort to whatever rude comment she had thought he was about to make, tilted her head and tried to hide her obvious confusion. She searched his face for anything that might betray him, but found him to completely sincere as he closed his eyes.

He laid there, a perfect silhouette in the moonlight, hair spilling down over his right shoulder as he stretched and tossed about. It has been at least an hour of him moving back and forth, side to side, flipping pillows and rolling around. She almost laughed multiple times, being reminded of restless children being put to bed too early. Finally he stilled, opening his eyes again and looking... Embarrassed?

"You," he snapped "sing for me."

"M-Me?" Caledra stuttered, pointing to herself incredulously as she glanced around the room, half expecting to see him speaking to someone else.

"Yes, of course you. Who else would I be speaking to?" He scoffed, turning over on his shoulder and facing the opposite wall away from her.

Caledra gulped nervously. "I'm not very good, especially compared to the ones that typically perform for you..."

"I didn't tell you to make excuses." He said flatly. Caledra grimaced, hating his ever-so-powerful attitude. She supposed she could try and sing, however.

"Darkness hovers in the sky,
I can see it from where I lie,
The stars come, twinkling lights,
Glittering diamonds, What a sight."


Her voice wasn't soft like her's was.

When she used to sing to him, it was as though the wind itself was whispering through small chimes to him, like delicate bells ringing in the evening breeze. However, Caledra's was appealing in its own manner. She obviously wasn't nearly as talented as others he could have summoned, as her voice cracked every here and there. But her voice held a certain roughness to each syllable she spoke that was fitting.

"I lie in the grass and up I stare,
My body goes numb as I forget all my cares.
I like to gaze up at the stars,
So I can forget all of my scars,"

Why did he ask her to sing? He questioned himself as he closed his eyes yet again, this time actually feeling himself begin to drift off into sleep. Was it because of the simple nostalgia that late nights brought him? Was it because he wanted to remember what peaceful sleep was like?

Or did she really remind him of her?

That of course was preposterous. They were almost complete opposites.

Then why do I feel the same way I did when she used to sing to me... The King thought as he finally fell asleep.


"I have no one to look after me,
The real me is someone no one can see,
So I'll wait until I find some sort of love,
And until then it's just me and the stars above."

Caledra finished finally, breathing slowly as she realized he was indeed asleep. Her legs automatically led her out of the room, although she couldn't help but glance back at his sleeping form as she shut the door behind her.

The King of Starlight and Lullabies (Thranduil x OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now