Chapter 17- Aftershock

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Caledra couldn't feel her feet at this point. They had been walking for at least an hour now. It had gone by so fast in the barrel she could hardly believe how far they had gotten in such a speedy time. Hopefully that haste continued on downstream and she prayed the company had managed to leave the forest safely. She was dragging her feet now as they approached the kingdom. The large walls and high doors often gave her comfort as a child, but now it felt more threatening and constraining than she could have imagined. Her guards still flanked her sides. All had avoided her gaze even when she spoke.

How odd it was to be walking through her home as a traitor. Although they weren't as obvious as when the dwarves were captured, she could see the elves watching her. The stood on opposite pathways in groups, disguising their gawking and glaring as they spoke. Some watched from windows and others from doorways. She wouldn't admit it but she was embarrassed to be looked at so much and so pointedly.

I will certainly be put to death. The thought crossed her mind but she smothered it, trying to reason with herself as she made her way through the halls. Thranduil almost exiled me before, perhaps that is what awaits me.

No, that was too lenient for this. That would be letting her run away as she had wished. It would be death, imprisonment if she were lucky. She knew Thranduil didn't take kindly to betrayal. She wondered why. It didn't matter now. She just hoped her sacrifice wasn't in vain, and that the dwarves made it to the mountain.

They were moving through the upper tiers of the kingdom now. She recognized these walkways with high arches and grand pillars well. It was an odd sort of recollection though, as though she had seen this vaguely in a dream. Her memories of walking these paths were fuzzy, as were most of her years spent with the King. She had tried to forget them so hard that she now could only feel a tinge of emotion as she walked past familiar places, with no exact memory tied to it.

Perhaps the King will not faze me either, she thought hopefully as they walked closer and closer to the throne room. She was composed and calm. She had always imagined seeing the King again. However it most certainly wasn't under these circumstances and she was most definitely not this composed. Perhaps I have grown past-

The doors to the throne room opened before her. A long winding path of steps led to a large throne, crafted of antlers and wood. Although one could stop and marvel at the beautiful craftsmanship, most found themselves ensnared in the gaze held by the one sitting in it.

Caledra felt the breath she had subconsciously been holding leave her as she melted under those eyes. Nope, he still definitely fazes me.

He looked down at her with those cool blue eyes of his, piercing and breaking whatever sort of confidence she had mustered the moment she walked in. He hadn't changed at all, and she obviously hadn't either judging from her reaction.

His head was raised and leaning back slightly, his jaw squared and lips slightly pursed as she entered, eyebrows arched high. She could see the muscle in his neck tighten. Uh oh, he's very upset...

Besides the furious expression, he was just as regal as she remembered. Actually more so than she could recall and she couldn't tell if it was because of her dull memories or if he had managed to get even more kingly since she had left. His straight blonde hair still fell over his shoulders elegantly and she found herself dutifully looking at her own brown hair out of the corner of her eye, which was still damp and frizzy from the barrels. No man should make a woman self conscious about her hair! It wasn't fair! He wore a dark green robe with silver embroidery all over it. She frowned slightly. Although the king could wear whatever he desired, he tended to pick the same outfits quite often. But she had never even seen this one before. Who was assisting him getting dressed now? Did they not bring out enough options for him to- she stopped, blushing and restraining the urge to slap herself. Why did she even care?

The King of Starlight and Lullabies (Thranduil x OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now